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[Masquerade Locked] Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:02 pm
by *The Butler
All the MASQ threads for characters have been locked!

Regular accounts now have access again!

Make your guess using regular accounts!

Use the spoiler tags when making your guesses!

For example: I think Tawmis is *The Butler

And because some people insisted on long names (no names mention - at least not until they reveal themselves!) you can do something like:

I think Tawmis is *The Butler because he rambles like Tawmis


*Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte
*Mrs White
*Squirrel of Midgard
*Malcolm the Jester

Behind the Mask Participants (In Random Order)

Rath Darkblade
Semi-Happy Partygoer

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:48 pm
by Jules
I believe BBP is Mrs. White,
Rath is the squirrel or Malcom...
while Datadog is Starbucks possibly??

I wouldn't even have a clue with the others that were too mysterious and sneaky! :P

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:09 am
by BBP
I'm pretty sure Qbix is Sam (for giving me points before it was allowed in the murder game), and I think Jules is Pocahontas, Rath is Malcolm the Jester(began with Aussie in the alphabet) and Datadog is Starbucks (guess because of the humour).

Jules was right about me! :geek:

Then again I didn't try to cover my footsteps, for a large part because I spent a few days at my BF's and couldn't stick around for as much as I liked...

I picked Mrs White because Tawm was the butler and I was sort of hoping for more people to come as Clue guests.

My clues:
Deviant - I'm on DeviantArt and am quite an active member;
Hero of Alexandria - inventor of, among others, the automated doors, the vending automat and the world's first animatronic show, quite an accomplishment for somebody who lived between 10 and 70 AD!
How could I be such a fool? - Zappa title
I've played this game before and am mssing the poetry corner. I tried to start one using the Flames monologue for my first poem, but then I got a PM from Tawm that I'd used my BBP account.
I am scared of dogs. Really.
The lies telling rabbit is elected. - translated Dir En Grey lyric from the video I posted in the Youtube thread
Ponzi: Somebody was running a Ponzi scheme on DeviantArt. I was at the time veeeeeery busy with getting the word around that this was a Really Bad Idea and why, and penning a note to everybody who fell for it.
I'd love to play Lady Macbeth. I already have experience with sleepwalking.
Drug shootout - unfortunately true, there's a lot of drug activity here.
I want to lock it all up in my pocket - From Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, not too long ago Primus covered all songs from that film
I'm a huge fan of Fatal Frame, in spite of never actually having played any of the games.
Alphabet - calligraphy's a hobby of mine
I miss you so bad - poor grammar's the clue. From a Dir En Grey-song
Bodacious - Primus song
Chocolate - if you go to my DeviantArt and look at my most recent deviation...
Blue... is indeed the most dominant colour in my wardrobe
I love ITV's Whodunnit and Count Duckula
Leather Apron - is a suspect in the Jack The Ripper-case. I'm a keen Ripperologist.
Posted Soundgarden song here before and mentioned I saw them live
Don't Ever Leave Me, Don't Make Me Lonely - Zappa lyric, like Oh No I Don't Believe It
Flux Wildly - remember Collector helping me to get Toonstruck to run?
Mais psst! ... Danse Macabre poem used for a song by Saint-Saens, later converted to a piece for orchestra that I basically spent my entire puberty listening to on continuous loop. I was quite a rebel back then.
Repentance - Butterfly - both themes from Fatal Frame II: The Crimson Butterfly

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:42 am
by Datadog
Shot in the dark on some of these. But I have a good feeling about a couple of them...

Datadog - The Butler
Jules - Pocahontas
notbobsmith - Sam the Dog, yo
BBP - Mrs. White
Rath Darkblade - Squirrel
QBix - Malcolm
Semi-Happy Partygoer - GLaDOS

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:24 am
by Semi-Happy Partygoer
No correct guesses for me at the moment. Admittedly I'm still pretty new here, so I don't know everyone that well (and vice versa), but I'd say that Datadog is Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, because he said he's Canadian, and Rath is Squirrel of Midgard, because the sense of humor looks similar to what I've seen of Rath's. I really couldn't guess for anyone else at the moment.

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 8:36 pm
by Tawmis
I think the biggest clue as to who Jules was, when Pocahontas refused to take part of the Healthy Dose of Murder game. :lol:

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 8:45 pm
by Jules
LOL come on like really?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :D

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:11 am
by Tawmis
Jules wrote:LOL come on like really?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
Yes, because you're always such a peaceful, zen like type person - that even virtually, you would not participate in the "virtual" murdering of an online persona!

Which is all strangely ironic, because when I think of you and Sierra games, I think of Laura Bow which is all about murder. :lol:

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:13 am
by notbobsmith
I don't really know people too well here so these are kind of wild guesses:

Rath Darkblade *Squirrel of Midgard*****************************
Datadog *Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte**********************

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:11 am
by Qbix
My kind of wild guesses:
  • Datadog - *Malcolm the Jester**********
  • Jules - *Pocahontas***
  • notbobsmith - *GLaDOS*******
  • BBP - *Mrs White*******
  • Rath Darkblade - *Squirrel of Midgard
  • Semi-Happy Partygoer - *Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:56 pm
by Rath Darkblade
Oh, really. *makes a face* Was it really so easy to guess me? Qbix, Datadog, Semi-Happy Partygoer and nonbobsmith all guessed that correctly - I was *Squirrel of Midgard. ;)

As for the others... I'd guess as follows:

Datadog is *Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte
Jules is *Pocahontas
BBP is *Mrs White
Semi-Happy Partygoer is *Sam
notbobsmith is *Malcolm the Jester
QBix is *GLaDOS

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:32 pm
by notbobsmith
And Qbix is correct.

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:51 pm
by Jules
Tawmis wrote:
Jules wrote:LOL come on like really?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
Which is all strangely ironic, because when I think of you and Sierra games, I think of Laura Bow which is all about murder. :lol:
Haha, I do suppose it's something along the lines of "it's always the quiet ones" kinda deals. :P

Qbix, who were you?

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:32 am
by Tawmis
Jules wrote: Qbix, who were you?
Based off of his guesses, you might be able to figure out who he was. ;)

Re: Who Is Who? It's time to guess!

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 4:15 pm
by Qbix
Jules I was *Sam