KQ2SCI in development again - live on stream!
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 3:38 pm
Many years ago I started development of a King's Quest II SCI remake in Sierra's SCI0 engine/interpreter with fanmade tools (such as Brian Provinciano's original SCI Studio and later Phil Fortier's SCI Companion). Specifically in the style of Sierra's King's Quest I remake (EGA graphics with mouse, parser, and MIDI music support). I stopped working on it long ago but had a thought on how I could continue development. I posted around asking for input on whether streaming myself developing it would be of interest to anyone. It got a decent response on Twitter so I decided to go ahead with it. I'll be starting tomorrow morning (Tue, Apr 6) at 9am CST and go for a couple hours. I'm not sure what the schedule will be going forward. Tue mornings work for me but most of the time evenings are better. I will likely stream again on Thursdays or Fridays during the day or towards the evening as those are my days off. Possibly even Sat or Sun evenings. We'll see how it goes. I've also got other music projects going on (that I won't stream) which I'll have to work around.
If you're interested, give my Twitch channel a follow so you can get notified right away when I go live: http://twitch.tv/musicallyinspired
If you're interested, give my Twitch channel a follow so you can get notified right away when I go live: http://twitch.tv/musicallyinspired