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Fallout 3

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 6:07 pm
by misslilo
Just had to come and tell, that I FINALLY got Fallout 3 installed :D

All I had to do was remove Vista (filled with errors and didn't install properly, I think) and install XP Pro instead.
Took me this whole day and I even got to play a few hours... love it so far :P

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:32 am
by AndreaDraco
Glad that you're liking it. Fallout 3 is a great game, even if - after a good twenty hours or so - I grew pretty tired of its limited color palette. I still prefer Oblivion, but the main plot of F3 is awesome...

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:59 am
by misslilo
Oblivion is the next for me to install :D
Had trouble with this one too - but hopefully it now will under XP... :roll:

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 3:50 pm
by misslilo
A little update.

Have to say I prefer this game over Morrowind and Oblivion.
Probably because it's from the future (I'm a fan of the future, lol) and feels a lot easier to handle - for me anyway. :lol:

I'm still not that far in the game, but I love the exploration and trying to pick locks and hack PC's - just up my alley ;)
I've got my house and done a few of Moiras quests - how cool it was to just stand in the pit by the bomb and get radiated :D
I steal left and right and have an urge to kill everybody in Megaton, but I'll wait - since it seems I get to do that later anyway :shock:

So, I never thought I would say this, but I love this game.
Feels weird to say, since I've always been a hardcore adventure gamer only.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:58 am
by AndreaDraco
I'm at the opposite: I prefer Oblivion and Morrowind because I prefer medieval/fantasy setting to futuristic ones. But I have to agree that this one has quite an atmosphere, and many quests have really clever solution ;)

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 11:43 pm
by Maiandra
I went through the same thing several years ago when I first branched out from adventure as well. I really like the entire cyberpunk genre and I had heard good things about Deus Ex, so I gave it a try and really liked it. I love sneaking and hacking. :D

Action-RPG hybrids can be fun if they're done well because they often have a fair amount of character interaction and sometimes puzzles, like adventures. Although combat can get intense and sometimes a bit stressfull (for me), it's worth it if it has a good story.

I'd like to go back to Fallout 3 at some point (now that I know how to turn off the gore), but right now Bioshock and Mass Effect are keeping me busy. If you like futuristic settings, misslilo, you may want to have a look at those someday. The Deus Ex series is great as well, if you don't mind going backwards in terms of graphics. Likewise System Shock 2. They do have some fan-made "high-definition" texture packs which make them a lot more tolerable.

However, from what I've heard and seen, Fallout 3 will keep you busy for a while. :)

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:45 am
by misslilo
Oh it will for sure! :D

I learn so many things, that I keep going back and start over from the point where you leave the vault, so I can take another route.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:57 am
by AndreaDraco
I wouldn't worry... In the end, or before it, you can catch up with pretty much everything! ;)

Oh, and if you want my opinion about a thing you shouldn't miss...

... Check out the North of the map, until you stumbl upon a huge mountain chain. Somewhere atop of it, is hidden a very special place and one of the most compelling missions of the entire game!

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 7:23 am
by misslilo
Thanks Andrea :)

I plan on doing all the quests - or at least as many as it allows me to.
But I'm afraid most will have to wait til july where I get 3 weeks of holiday :D