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INNBarn Frustration.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 5:26 pm
by Tawmis
You get what you pay for, and this InnBarn thing is running for free - ...

That said, this is the third time now, that there's been data loss - for Shadows of Ysberius.

Where he's done whatever he's needed to do, which results in all created characters getting wiped.

And that is not an easy game to solo.

So his latest update to fix it, wiped the characters again (this being the third time), and since no one is hardly ever on it to chat, really - Shadows of Ysberius is all I use InnBarn for.

But after three times of losing progress, I think I am just about done spinning my wheels there. :D

Re: INNBarn Frustration.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 5:35 pm
by Tawmis
Downloaded this - because everyone talks about how great it is because they've done so much with it.
And it's always up.