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King's Quest 8: Mask of Eternity on Windows 10.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 3:00 pm
by Ripper
I have all the King's Quest games. The King's Quest 8 that i have is Original in 1 CD, with subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese (Brazilian Version). The game doesn't work on Windows 10. I downloaded a patch in The Sierra Help Pages (, the name of the installation file is "kqmasksetup.exe". It worked great on Windows 10. The only problem is that sometimes the game freezes. I tried to run as administrator, with compatibility mode with Windows 98 / Windows Me. I think it reduced the freezes, but didn't solve the problem. Even so, the game is playable and i completed it. Just had to save often. Just one small problem with the Brazilian Version. I had little problems with a few words in the subtitles. Examples:

"Não" word is showed as "N o".

Other examples:

Trovão = Trov o

Dimensão = Dimens o

So, the "ã" is not showing in the subtitles. But there is no big deal with that in my opinion. Maybe in the future i will get the GOG Version to test it. So, does anybody have a solution to the freezing problems with the game using this patch?


Re: King's Quest 8: Mask of Eternity on Windows 10.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 6:14 am
by Collector
I have not looked at that installer for quite some time. I cannot guess about its compatibility with Win11. The lack of letters with diacritics is probably from included patch (MoE13fg) files intended for the US release. I do believe that freezes were one of the issues that that patch was supposed to help. I don't know if there were international versions of that patch or not. If there was and you can find it, you could try to install itand see if it helps.

Re: King's Quest 8: Mask of Eternity on Windows 10.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 1:46 pm
by Ripper
Thanks for the reply. I have this patch and used in my old computer with Windows XP 32 bits "KQMoE(MoE13fg).exe" and i didn't had problems with the subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese. I think this patch is universal. Maybe we need a new patch to solve this problem with the subtitles and the freezing bug as well.