Do you LOVE me?

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Re: Do you LOVE me?

Post by Tawmis »

DeadPoolX wrote:When I read this thread's title, I immediately thought of this song.
You would be closest to what I was thinking when I came up with the title. I recently ... acquired... all the old KISS albums! :)
Rudy wrote:AAARRRRRR, a fine pirate yee are! Can't ya just commandeer it? ;)
Yarr! That was me plan matey, when I saw the fine owner had a number based in Port San Diego! Thought I could just... acquire such a fine ship... but then learned the bastard doesn't have it docked here!
DeadPoolX wrote:Given the subject matter of this thread, I can definitely say I don't love you. :P
What about all those memories we created together? ;)
BBP wrote:Aw, sweet Tawm... I'll see what I can do...
Finally! Someone who gives me hope!
Datadog wrote:Only as a friend, Tawmis. Only as a friend.
Ye cut me to the quick!

What's next? You're going to text me and tell me we're broken up?

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Re: Do you LOVE me?

Post by DeadPoolX »

AndreaDraco wrote:
DeadPoolX wrote:A photo of LOST?
Black Pearl... Black Rock...

Okay, but we were referencing Tawmis's thread title, not the picture he posted. ;)
Tawmis wrote:
DeadPoolX wrote:When I read this thread's title, I immediately thought of this song.
You would be closest to what I was thinking when I came up with the title. I recently ... acquired... all the old KISS albums! :)
Which ones? CD or Vinyl?

On CD, I have nearly ever single KISS album ever made (excluding the multiple "best of" varieties). Probably my favorite albums are from the "Alive!" series. A lot of people prefer the first Alive! album, but I actually like the most recent one (Alive! 4) best of all.

The one sore spot for me on that album was during "Rock and Roll All Nite" when Paul starts talking to the audience and getting them involved. I know bands do that at concerts, but that occurred during the middle of the song! AARRGH!
"Er, Tawni, not Tawmni, unless you are doing drag."
-- Collector (commenting on a slight spelling error made by Tawmis)
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Re: Do you LOVE me?

Post by AndreaDraco »

DeadPoolX wrote:
AndreaDraco wrote:
DeadPoolX wrote:A photo of LOST?
Black Pearl... Black Rock...

Okay, but we were referencing Tawmis's thread title, not the picture he posted. ;)
Yeah, I know... But the thread title didn't inspire me any song :P
Talk to coffee? Even Gabriel isn't that addicted!
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Rath Darkblade
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Re: Do you LOVE me?

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Can't think of any songs with that title? How about this one:

I thought of that one right off. Must be 'cause I'm Jewish. :P
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Re: Do you LOVE me?

Post by Maiandra »

I totally forgot about the title as soon as I saw the ship. That's pretty awesome!
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Re: Do you LOVE me?

Post by Rath Darkblade »

*checks out the pirate ship*

ARRR, HA-HA-HARRRR! Shiver me timbers and a-hoist the mainbrace! I an' me hearty crew be comin' aboard a-swaggerin' like pirates an' a-swingin' uz cutlasses, ARR, and ye and yer lily-livered crew had best be steppin' lively, for 'tis nae a gud time t'be takin' uz lightly just a'cause we be speakin' authentic maritime gibberish, ARR! An' dinnae be thunkin' that we be part o' that yella-bellied, mauve-pancreased, goosefleshy, dunder-headed 'Captain Sailor's Li'l Shipmates Holiday Fun Club', neither! Why, we be the most dreaded (an' yet gentlemanly) pirates ever t'sail the Englysh Channel - I be Cap'n Arthur English, and me crew be the notorious Primly-Pillagin'-an'-Politely-Plunderin' Pirates o' Penzance, ARR!

*grabs a handy rope and swings away with a yo-ho-ho and, if I might venture, even a bottle of rum into the bargain* ;)
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