Playing PQ4 for first time and I really wonder how 'time' progresses.
I am on Tuesday, found some evidence but the SID officer is not there. I looked at a walkthrough and it says that I should provide a report to Hal, which I have done. However i see that I failed to provide an earlier report.
It seems that my mistake was this: I thought that whenever you provide a report to Hal, it can thenceforth be freely 'updated' anytime by you.
Now it seems it works like this: when event A happens, you must fill a report for A. When B happens, you must fill a report for B. When A happens and then you go directly to event B (without having filled the A-report), the next report will be a B-report; you have lost the chance to fill an A-report and there is no way to change or prevent that.
Now I am not sure if missing such an event-report sequence can lead you to a dead-end Can anyone tell me how to escape the Marmot Day?
Re: PQ4
Unfortunately, I have not had anyone donate save games for PQ4. I have ones for the first 3.
01000010 01111001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001