LOL! I loved the stupidity of the townspeople (particularly in Oblivion). It was pretty funny to see them trying to figure out what they were supposed to say to me, if at all. It was the utter limit when I broke into their houses and, instead of turning purple with rage and chasing me out, they said something like "I'm afraid you're in the wrong place, friend." I mean... what??? *grin* Then again, some of the missions in that game (especially the ones actually in Oblivion) were very intense, particularly the Oblivion mission with a time limit, and even more so when it's your first time...DeadPoolX wrote:I disagree, since RPGs can be made differently. Morrowind and Oblivion both had stories, but unlike other RPGs, you were able to completely deviate from the plotline and do whatever you want. I liked that. Besides, Morrowind and Oblivion had the typical trappings of an RPG -- stats, quests, magic, fighting, classes, moronic townspeople, etc.
What are some of your favourite "townspeople stupidities"?

To turn to another matter... that I'd be surprised if anyone remembers some of these old RPGs: Eye of the Beholder and Lands of Lore. I played both of them many years ago and enjoyed them immensely, particularly the latter. Of course the graphics and sound were primitive by today's standards, but the story and (particularly) characters seemed a lot deeper, somehow.
Oh, and I'm not sure if this counts as an RPG, but I wonder if anyone remembers a very old game named Gods. I used to play this many years ago... never finished it. Very addictive.
Talking of old games and not-quite-RPGs... does anyone remember an ancient game called Golden Axe? *G*