GK1 CD - Audio Delay in Wolfgang's Bedroom

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GK1 CD - Audio Delay in Wolfgang's Bedroom

Post by Luinath »


In both day 7 and 8 in the game, whenever I'm in Wolfgang's Bedroom, the sounds and voices take about 10 seconds before they play, and also takes longer to leave the room since the game is waiting to play the sound of the door opening and closing. Is there anyway to fix this problem?

Some other problems I encountered in the game, but not that problematic:

When the game is showing that it's day 8, the game slows down only at that part.

I'm not sure if this is a problem with the game or DOSBox, but whenever I use ddraw, opengl, or openglnb as the output, the black borders in both top and bottom seem to brighten up whenever I enter a room or any talking is involved, and goes back to normal whenever I'm asking questions or moving the cursor to the upper black border. Can this be fixed other than using overlay as the output?
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Re: GK1 CD - Audio Delay in Wolfgang's Bedroom

Post by Collector »

I can't promise anything, but if you attach a diagnostic and save games and I'll take a look.
01000010 01111001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001

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Re: GK1 CD - Audio Delay in Wolfgang's Bedroom

Post by Luinath »

Here is my "diagnostic_log" file, as well as the save file that is two steps from away starting day 8.
GKSG Files.zip
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Re: GK1 CD - Audio Delay in Wolfgang's Bedroom

Post by Collector »

There seems to be some extra patch files that were not copied by the installer. Did you apply any other patch? The lag seems to be with 530.HEP, 530.SCR, 530.P56 530.MAP and or 530.SND. I'm not sure that there is much I can do about it. Someone would probably have to have to pick apart 530.HEP and 530.SCR with a hex editor.
01000010 01111001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001

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Re: GK1 CD - Audio Delay in Wolfgang's Bedroom

Post by Luinath »

I haven't used anything else but the DOSBox Installer from here to run the game. Does the Gabriel Knight Mysteries: Limited Edition have anything extra that could have added those files not added by the installer?

I could probably change the specific values in those files with an hex editor, but the problem is that I don't know which hex string is affecting that part of the game.

Thanks for the help Collector.
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Re: GK1 CD - Audio Delay in Wolfgang's Bedroom

Post by Luinath »

Some problems I encountered on Day 9 & 10:

1. Every section but the last two rooms you are with Wolfgang (not the room he first shows himself) have the same audio problem as the one in Wolfgang's bedroom.

2. When you inspect the trough, Wolfgang says "I saw that. This is undoubtedly a sacrificial table. That trough is for a human heart." The audio seems to cut off the "a human heart" part of the sentence, as well as causing a 5 second delay before Gabriel says his next line.

3. At the end of the game when the ritual is starting, the game starts lagging, as well as showing the same audio problem as the previous 2 I mentioned occurs until the cutscene that plays after doing the next step needed to go on in the ritual is over.

Others (minor):

- When showing the cut scenes of Gabriel returning to New Orleans on Day 10, the black border on the bottom turns gray, and only the area where the text are is black, but goes back to default color when the cutscene is over, and back at the map.

- Sort of a problem, but how do I get past the undead that is next to the room with the 3 undead (not the one where Wolfgang appears) when the cycles is at 10,000. I can't seem to get past that problem without speeding up the game, since it gets me no matter what direction I go to, and how I time myself to get pass the undead even when it's not next to me.

- For some reason, if you restart the game with at least some points, and you start a new game, you start with some of the points based on how high your score was in the previous gameplay.
GKSG Files.zip
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Re: GK1 CD - Audio Delay in Wolfgang's Bedroom

Post by BBP »

A lot of those problems sound familiar; I get those audio delays a lot too, particularly in rooms where a lot happens, like the museum.
The undead: You do know you should swing by them on the vines? I always switch between cursors by going to the bar on the top: this will pause the game. I never have trouble here.
Recently I found the Restart bug: in fact, you'll also have the object that was last active in your inventory too.
In this video you can see me exploiting it by visiting the Hounfour in day 1.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... c7CydymNKM
As you can tell from the video, DOSBox will not record with music, although the music was on when I was playing it.
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Re: GK1 CD - Audio Delay in Wolfgang's Bedroom

Post by Luinath »

Strange that this audio problem occurs through certain parts of the game, especially in areas where a lot of activity occurs. Don't remember having this problem on Virtual PC years ago.

I got through that part without any problems, it's the room before that where a single undead is positioned near the door to the next area that I have trouble without increasing the speed of the game.

Strange that it doesn't record the music of the game other than the one that plays on the main menu while recording, and it seems the only part that can be abused about this glitch is the abnormal amount of points one starts out on day 1. If you found the same item as the one you were holding in the previous game, would you have a second copy?
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Re: GK1 CD - Audio Delay in Wolfgang's Bedroom

Post by BBP »

Nor did I have the problem if I installed it on DOSBox in lower quality. Did you set the Detail slider down in the menu options? I found that helped.

The object that magically re-appears, is not in your inventory, only in your active inventory screen. It'll stay there even after you got rid of it. So you won't have two of them.
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Re: GK1 CD - Audio Delay in Wolfgang's Bedroom

Post by Luinath »

I had it maxed throughout the game, but the only place that seems to fix the lag, and the audio problem by lowering the detail to the lowest (if the detail ins't set to the lowest, it still has those problems) is the last part of the game, but unfortunately, it removes some of the other people involved in the ritual (if the detail is lowered while in the room, the people involved will be frozen in place instead), and the flickering effect.

Thanks BBP
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