Things That Annoy You!

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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by DeadPoolX »

Collector wrote:
DeadPoolX wrote:"how is it rape when he wanted it" are bandied about.
I take it that you meant "how is it rape when she wanted it"
Nope. When an underage male student has sex with an adult female teacher, one of the comments usually heard is, "How could it be rape if he wanted it?"

In other words, there's this strong idea that since men usually want sex more than women, he "asked for it" and should be happy about getting it.
therogue wrote:sigh
Yes because thats those crazy hysterical women folk for you, always crying wolf. :roll:
It's a proven fact that some women do make up stories about rape in order to hurt someone (usually a guy) or to get attention. Since this does occur, it weakens the position of women who were actually raped and should be taken seriously.
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by therogue »

Yes some women lie. Some men lie, but when men lie its not applied to the entire gender. :roll:
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by DeadPoolX »

therogue wrote:Yes some women lie. Some men lie, but when men lie its not applied to the entire gender. :roll:
What about this phrase? "Men are a bunch of lying, cheating bastards."

Men are generalized when it comes to infidelity. That doesn't mean all men do it, but it's been generally assumed within society that men cheat. That's been applied to the "entire gender," so where's the outcry about that?
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by therogue »

There is no use in discussing this, this is not about the 'poor men' or about American law. I posted because I am angry about these cases where the victims are given less rights then the men who did it. That's the system and that's wrong.

I am angry that in the case of the police officer people are serious when they argue that its in part her own fault she was killed because as a woman she shouldn't have stepped in and done her duty as a police officer by pulling over a guy who was clearly drunk driving (swerving over the road) because she was alone (off duty at the time). If she had been a guy no one would be asking that.

I am angry that in the rape case, the guys get away with such light sentences while the article states that rape has been proven. A freaking miracle anyway since the laws here are quite strict on that. I am incensed at the argument of the guys in question that the girl was partying, drinking and thus asked for it.

I am angry that in the murder case, the guy is arguing that he shouldn't be put on trail for murder but for manslaughter because he was drunk and that he 'had to' kill her because the girl fought when he tried to grab her bag. The worst thing is that he is likely to get his wish because he says 'he didn't mean to'
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by DeadPoolX »

Any system that gives fewer rights to any group -- whether they're men, women or some racial and ethnic minority -- is wrong.

I'm not attempting to say that men have had it or currently have it worse than women. I am merely stating that sometimes women can screw men over through the misuse of rape charges. That is an unfortunate truth according to both American and Canadian court records.

My point with the above was not to trivialize the complaints of women. In fact, it's the very opposite. The women who lie about rape end up hurting the women who have been raped.

I believe rape is a very serious crime and one that should not be made light of or faked. Both do occur, but I tend to see the crime as a major offense.

As for those three cases... I agree with you on all counts. Women do not "ask for it" and certainly not when they're a police officer and performing their duty.

If the rape case was proven, then the men who raped that women do need a far more serious sentence. Perhaps this woman's lawyer can appeal the judge's verdict?

Getting inebriated has never been an excuse for a criminal act and that includes murder, manslaughter, rape, etc. It was his choice to drink to the point of excess and because of that, no one else "needed" to get injured or die.

Look... I apologize if it seemed like I was dismissing your opinions. I wasn't attempting to do so. I just like to discuss and sometimes debate issues. :)
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by Almirena »

Rape is a terrible outrage - it's worse than a crime, because the outrage is against a person who is in the weaker position, forced to endure something that will haunt her almost certainly for the rest of her life, and subjected to intrusive and personal examination and questioning and snickering (along the lines of "Are you sure you didn't enjoy it?"). For someone who's genuinely been raped, I am sure we all agree that the trauma, pain and emotional horror are beyond description.

For a woman to fake rape seems to me utterly beyond imagining, yet I'm sure it's occurred. I know women who would do virtually anything in order to gain an advantage, wreak vengeance or look like the victim for various reasons... and they clearly don't realise what sort of morally begriming filth they're painting onto the innocent man they're claiming committed such a horrible crime. It must be sordid and besmirching to be accused of such a thing without cause.

The bottom line is that if we as humans respect each other and treat each other with dignity and kindness, these sort of sordidness and shameful situations won't occur.

I read the links you included, TheRogue. (My Dutch isn't perfect, but it was sufficient to work out roughly what was being said.) There is certainly cause for outrage when the innocent victim is the one smeared by the comments of society, by the legal system and by the perpetrator. I perfectly understand your outrage.
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by DeadPoolX »

This story is unbelievable. In short, a rancher is getting sued by illegal aliens who trespassed onto his property (and the U.S. in general) because he stopped them and turned them over to the border patrol. :shock:
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by Rath Darkblade »

I don't think this 'case' will get very far.

Firstly, these people are in the US illegally, so they do not have the same rights under law that US citizens do.

Secondly, they do not have any proof that the farmer did any of the things they allege he did.

Thirdly, they trespassed on his farm. Trespass on private property is still illegal, the last time I checked.

Fourthly, and most importantly, they're suing not just the farmer but also his wife and the sheriff of the community. It seems logical to me, therefore, that their lawyers have seen a very big opportunity here - i.e. "let's sue as many people as we can so we can get as much money as we can". :rolleyes:

It wouldn't surprise me if this got chucked out of court.
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by Jules »

I can see it getting through. I hope it doesn't.

There was an article a while back where Gov. Schwarzenegger declared a statewide drought. One couple was fined because they left their grass die. They thought it was the best thing to do since the the governor declared a drought. :roll:

Article here.
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by DeadPoolX »

Jules wrote:I can see it getting through. I hope it doesn't.

There was an article a while back where Gov. Schwarzenegger declared a statewide drought. One couple was fined because they left their grass die. They thought it was the best thing to do since the the governor declared a drought. :roll:

Article here.
Unfortunately, the situation involving this rancher (and others) has become much worse.
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by Rath Darkblade »

That situation with the rancher is disgusting. People shouldn't take the law into their own hands, whether it be the rancher (who's accused of manhandling these people) or the people who crossed the border (and trespassed on his land). Neither side should be rewarded for acting like bullies.

As for the situation in Sacramento... that's just plain stupid. :P
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by DeadPoolX »

Rath Darkblade wrote:That situation with the rancher is disgusting. People shouldn't take the law into their own hands, whether it be the rancher (who's accused of manhandling these people) or the people who crossed the border (and trespassed on his land). Neither side should be rewarded for acting like bullies.

As for the situation in Sacramento... that's just plain stupid. :P
I agree. Although depending on the source, the rancher or the illegal aliens might be painted as "the good guys."

The link I posted up there goes to a website called "", so it's probably safe to say which side the author (and entire site) are on. ;)
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by therogue » ... 30325.html

Oh my god, talk about people needing a reality check and needing to grow the hell up. Those parents who complained about the presenter giving their precious spawn nightmares need a good kick up the arse themselves. A disability is not something scary or freaky. If you think people just cannot get any worse, a story like that comes along.
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by DeadPoolX »

therogue wrote: ... 30325.html

Oh my god, talk about people needing a reality check and needing to grow the hell up. Those parents who complained about the presenter giving their precious spawn nightmares need a good kick up the arse themselves. A disability is not something scary or freaky. If you think people just cannot get any worse, a story like that comes along.
At first glance, I could possibly see how a disabled person (on a children's show) might be uncomfortable for some kids and their parents. However, after reading the article, I can see that the parents themselves were worried that their kids MIGHT have nightmares or get scared. No where did it say the children reacted that way.

Essentially, it seems that parents are projecting their own negative feelings about disabilities onto their children in order to rationalize their own discomfort. That's quite juvenile, but unfortunately, so are a lot of people.
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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Post by therogue »

It's also such lazy parenting. Kids need to learn about the world, and kids ask questions. Geez, these sods are too lazy or too scared about reality to answer any 'uncomfortable questions' their kids have. Its so sad, the kids of those people will be a whole new generation to add to the masses of people out there who think a disability only happens to "bad people" and that a disabled person is scary.
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