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Re: Script party!

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Just finished the first version - for the full version I'll make sure the information is as complete as it can be, and I'll make sure that there are clickable links in the index so you can skip straight to the Mockingbird phrases or the Ooga Booga limericks.

The King's Quest 7 script Version 1.0 can be found here:

One of the problems is that sometimes speakers get the character number 99, and then I can't figure out who's saying it (unless the phrase is recognizable).
The other is: I want to make clear which phrases are in the game and which ones aren't. I'm aware that you can't trade the moon or Count Tsepich's medal or skull with Roo Rat, but what about the others?
Can Fernando really see the statue before you get Treasure? I don't think so. There seems to be much more dialogue with him than I recall. The same goes for Lord Attis.
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Re: Script party!

Post by Spikey »

Thanks!! Looks great. Filed under utterly known;

"I'm getting awfully tired of this" is the line Valanice says after breaking the third pot in the desert cave.
"Isn't that cute" I am almost sure is related to something Valanice says about the picknick basket, need to check it out.
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Re: Script party!

Post by BBP »

Thanks! If you see anything else, let me know!
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Re: Script party!

Post by BBP »

In making this I noticed two... eh... not too friendly remarks regarding owls. I wonder if there are more tongue-in-cheek cross references in KQ7. So far I've noticed these:

VALANICE "What a charming wooden owl. Is it a toy?"
ERSATZ "Yes, I'm afraid so. We tried to hang it in a cornfield to scare the crows, but they just weren't impressed. We finally took the poor owl down when the crows drew a moustache on it."

ROO RAT "What a cunning rubber fowl! How about a stuffed screech owl?"
VALANICE "I think I'll pass on that one."

The sorrowful Marjorie Pratt
liked to wail on the cliffs with her cat.
One night--such a pity--
she tripped on her kitty,
and fell off the cliff with a splat.
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Re: Script party!

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I've just played through KQ7 and found a lot of mystery lines. There's one thing I'm still wondering about:

In version 2.0 I couldn't to lord Attis as Rosella - I tried deliberately to wait with restoring the river, but Attis won' t appear beside the tree in chapter 4. There is a lot of dialogue for the two though: can you perhaps talk to Attis in earlier versions?
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Re: Script party!

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I'm about ready to wrap up the script - just used the YT KQ7 Death Parade to check out all the death messages. The following are listed in the script. From what I remember, playing Die Prinzlose Braut - I died dozens of times because I didn't know I had to charge up the device, but got the Entschiedend (decisive) line all the time. Of most of them, it's not too difficult to imagine where to put them - except for the tricky floor.

ROSELLA "That floor is tricky! I guess things aren't always what they seem..."
ROSELLA "I KNOW there's a way to get that gem loose. I just have to think of it."
ROSELLA "Hmm. That device must take a LONG time to charge up."
ROSELLA "The troll king TOLD me the device has to charge up. I can't believe I forgot!"
ROSELLA "I should have used that magical device when I had the chance."
ROSELLA "Wow! I guess I should have left well enough alone."
ROSELLA "Oh no! I took too long in there! It WAS kind of pretty, though..."
ROSELLA "Yow! I'm never going near that thing again!"
ROSELLA "I should have gotten out of there while I still could."

VALANICE"I always told my children there was no such thing as the boogeyman. I'd better stay out that awful creature's way."
VALANICE"I'm starting to think the front door just isn't the best way to get into that house."
VALANICE"Hmm. Maybe I should just stay away from that wretched thing for a while."
VALANICE"I'm getting awfully sick of that creature. I'd like to scare him off for good!"
VALANICE"OOH! That venomous little BEAST! I'd like to get HIM out of the picture!"
VALANICE"I THOUGHT that looked like a spider web."
VALANICE"Well. I think I'd best avoid that part of the forest from now on."

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Re: Script party!

Post by BBP »

Ooo--kaaaay... now that I'm convinced nobody reads this stuff, here's another bit of a puzzle:

Just tried the audioSize=0K trick to play the game with subtitles. Oddly the start-up music is different with the 0K thing.

It works to an extent; colours of the subtitles aren't decided by character but differ per section - the blocks don't look very aesthetic and numerous colour combinations render the subs difficult to read. Longer text sections fall off the edge, and, more annoying, the animations jam the game at three sections. When you save Count Tsepich and finally get to see Elspeth, but that can be skipped. Somewhere in the happy ending, that's annoying. Worse is the one at the gila monster: it means the game jams just before chapter 2 starts, so you have to close DOSBox to get out - if you start the game in chapter 2 or 3, you don't have the prickly pear (or salt) and have to go back in the desert to get it, then go back in the tunnel, gila monster animation plays and the game jams again. So chapter 3 is unplayable with the sbtitles.
Also annoying is that the Boogeyman chant in chapter 4 never starts, but it doesn't hinder gameplay per se.
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Re: Script party!

Post by Collector »

Timing is probably based on the audio files and if the file does not play the game does not trigger the next event. As to the different intro music it may well be digital and MIDI is substituted. Most of the game music is MIDI so would not be different for the most part.
01000010 01111001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001

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Re: Script party!

Post by BBP »

Okay, is that what causes the three jams? Come to think of it, all jams started upon loading a new animation.
I'm not sure how much work a subtitle patch would be but it'd be great just to be able to make out what Fifi Le Yip-Yap says.

Anyway, definite script as complete as I could get it and including cross references:
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Re: Script party!

Post by Collector »

You might need to start with an international version (which I do not have) for the language flag to work. I am not at home right now, but when I get home I'll see if I can find a way to trigger it with my NA release. I do not have a lot of hope, though.
01000010 01111001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001

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Re: Script party!

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The German version doesn't appear to be as international as I hoped it was, but I checked out all the views on my copy and compared them to what Akril found already. There's quite a number of shoddy Paint blocks with square letters on them denoting whatever it is. While I sort this out, please enjoy this presentation of an early dragon:
dragonnette.jpg (8.02 KiB) Viewed 7220 times
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Re: Script party!

Post by Tawmis »

That's pretty crazy - that dragonette thing is in the game?

As a side note - got your emails (been in Mammoth this past weekend for my anniversary!) - but will get them UPLOADED to the LSL site ASAP!
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Re: Script party!

Post by BBP »

Aw that's sweet congratulations!

The disk has a lot of files that aren't in the game. Akril made a nice selection of oddities but there's still more. I'm making the final playthrough now to check if Rosella runs wearing her cloak, but besides that there's walking cycles of someone in a spacey outfit and a lot of rudimentary blocks with paint letters describing what it's supposed to be. Numerous characters have an early sketch, even Graham. Here's an early version of Edgar: (for the aficionadoes, from View 6800v56)
edger.jpg (2.47 KiB) Viewed 7207 times
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Re: Script party!

Post by Tawmis »

BBP wrote: The disk has a lot of files that aren't in the game. Akril made a nice selection of oddities but there's still more. I'm making the final playthrough now to check if Rosella runs wearing her cloak, but besides that there's walking cycles of someone in a spacey outfit and a lot of rudimentary blocks with paint letters describing what it's supposed to be. Numerous characters have an early sketch, even Graham. Here's an early version of Edgar: (for the aficionadoes, from View 6800v56)
I guess I am missing WHY those little pictures WOULD be in the game files?
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Re: Script party!

Post by BBP »

I think it's what ADB said on the GK4 forum while it was still active; they're working with thousands of files and at some point it becomes hard to figure out whether it is in the game or not, and better safe than sorry. Maybe they removed them off later editions.
This walking cycle is one of four (the main directions, ya know) that is in view 900. The guy has a triangle on his chest. Is he in Space Quest or is this a trial animation?
View900.gif (13.96 KiB) Viewed 7196 times
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