Gold Rush Anniversary Edition

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Re: Gold Rush Anniversary Edition

Post by Tawmis »

I don't think we have one on the site yet (I still have to beat the game, myself).
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Re: Gold Rush Anniversary Edition

Post by Tawmis »

ltcolonel97062 wrote:Well I'm already stuck. I've got either the Cape Horn or Panama tickets, but after, I show either to the Captain, the game tells me, I'm 3 points short of the maximum 73. Not sure what I missed. Don't want to go further, until I figure out, where the 3 points are, that I'm missing. Any ideas?
I myself have not had much of a chance to play it (barely got out of the house and such) - but I'd bet it's something you grabbed without "looking" first. Or talking to the relator about selling the house - I think you have to do a specific order (so you get more money out of the house).
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Re: Gold Rush Anniversary Edition

Post by Tawmis »

ltcolonel97062 wrote:So I did message the forums that this game was and is part of but the people on there are no help. Maybe its because they're in another country and don't understand english. But still.... Its no excuse to not do a walkthrough with maps and points. This is what I miss about Sierra. They would put a game out and almost right away they had hint books to help those of us that were stuck. Now these fans of these games, do the games, then make everyone wait for what seems like forever to do the same thing. Has anyone finished this game with perfect points yet?
Well, I think what it is - these days - with the internet, you can put a game out, and within the same day, to a week, somebody, who has spent all day and night to "be the first to beat the game" - has a complete walk through (sometimes missing points), but then others built off that, and usually within a week or two, you have a complete walk through with points.

However, these days, Adventure Games aren't as popular as they were; so producing those kinds of books when the internet is likely to do it for you; or someone will purchase the book and release all the information on line, essentially killing all future sales of the book, as they become rendered useless when internet folks can grab it all for free online.

Admittedly, I am surprised, that there doesn't seem to be much in the walk of walk throughs for Gold Rush Anniversary/Special Edition.

I was in the middle of the game, when my Windows 7 tanked, and I had to reimage my system (and lost all my save games to Gold Rush, Gray Matter, Moebius, and a few other games...)

Not reinstalled them on my desktop yet; but have installed them on my laptop; just not restarted any of them.
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Re: Gold Rush Anniversary Edition

Post by adeyke »

It's by no means standard practice for the game creators to release a walkthrough. That's almost always something the fans do. And when those fans do it, it's because it's something they're passionate about. Demanding that someone put the necessary effort into creating a walkthrough for you is silly. And feeling entitled to a refund for a game because you don't know how to get all the points is just absurd.

And I can't really see Sierra's hint books as laudable. A free in-game hint system can be good, but selling that just seems sketchy, and it creates an incentive to make the game more obtuse in order to sell more copies of the book.
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