List of SCI games that the SCI Companion...

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List of SCI games that the SCI Companion...

Post by Tawmis »

... can successfully open in regards to Sierra games. Is there a list somewhere that I can't find?

Wanted to poke at a few SCI games - just to get a feel for how it works.
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Re: List of SCI games that the SCI Companion...

Post by adeyke »

It's pretty much all of them. Just try it.
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Re: List of SCI games that the SCI Companion...

Post by Collector »

It can open and edit up to SCI1.1. It can open later games, but don't count on it for much more than a viewer. You can check the SCI release list for games by interpreter. ... lease_List

Of course you can use the Sierra Resource Viewer for just viewing and extracting from any of the games, even some of the AGI games and other games that have similarly formatted resources.
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Re: List of SCI games that the SCI Companion...

Post by MusicallyInspired »

I'm still hoping against hope for SCI0.1 and SCI1.0 compiling support. Be nice to fix some bugs and/or change the games somehow by adding puzzles, making puzzles make more sense, etc. As it is I think there are only compilers for SCI0 and SCI1.1.
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Re: List of SCI games that the SCI Companion...

Post by Tawmis »

MusicallyInspired wrote:I'm still hoping against hope for SCI0.1 and SCI1.0 compiling support. Be nice to fix some bugs and/or change the games somehow by adding puzzles, making puzzles make more sense, etc. As it is I think there are only compilers for SCI0 and SCI1.1.
So can SCI1.1 not open 1.0?
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Re: List of SCI games that the SCI Companion...

Post by MusicallyInspired »

If you mean can an SCI1.1 EXE file run the resources of an SCI1.0 game, no. They have different program functions, references, and functionalities. Also SCI1.1 games will look for a sound driver separate from a music driver, while SCI1.0 games just look for a single driver for both music and sound.
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Re: List of SCI games that the SCI Companion...

Post by Collector »

I guess it depends on what you mean by "open". If you mean to just be able to view/extract/export resources, yes, but you could already do that with SV. If you mean to edit those resources and stick them back into the game with the intent of editing or fixing the game them the games it can work with becomes limited to SCI0 and SCI1.1. While there are differences in things like graphic resources in the later games, the main limitation are the scripts and the ability to compile them. Also, SV can only disassemble the compiled scripts. SCI Companion can decompile them. Perhaps not perfectly, but close enough that they can be fixed to be made recompilable. Of course since the compiler can only work with SCI0 and SCI1.1 there is little point in decompiling SCI1 scripts as you will not be able to do anything with them, let alone track down what is wrong with the output. I don't think the decompiler would even work with SCI2+ games, though I never tried.
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Re: List of SCI games that the SCI Companion...

Post by MusicallyInspired »

To be clear, you can edit art and sound resources, you just can't compile scripts, which makes editing a game on that scale difficult.

I wonder if I started a project to "fix" or "enhance" or make an "easy mode" or even a "more difficult mode" versions of some Sierra games if that would convince Phil to add SCI1.0 and SCI0.1 support. :P All the games with "problems" are SCI1.0 games! lol The SCI1.1 games are mostly perfect I guess.

This also reminds me that I still have that SQ1VGA Retro project I was working on to make all the SQ1VGA resources look like the artwork in SQ1AGI. I could do a lot more than just art assets if I could compile scripts in SCI1.0.
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Re: List of SCI games that the SCI Companion...

Post by Collector »

I am 100% with you on wanting SCI0.1/SCI1 support in Companion.
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Re: List of SCI games that the SCI Companion...

Post by adeyke »

Being able to edit graphics is already nice. Back when I made my QfG pills/potions mod, I did so via hex edit.
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Re: List of SCI games that the SCI Companion...

Post by Collector »

Of course editing VIEWs and PICs in later SCI games has been possible for some time now with Enrico Rolfi's Tools.
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