My Camelot playthrough

Feel like your conquest has you questing in circles? This is for the Cristy Marx games, Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail and Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood. You can ask for help with these games here! (Beware of the rabbit... it's got fangs!)
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Re: My Camelot playthrough

Post by Tawmis »

OmerMor wrote: Combining both lists, it appears to be possible to reach 367 Skill points, 294 Wisdom points, and 357 Soul points.
Which still doesn't match up.

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Re: My Camelot playthrough

Post by notbobsmith »

OmerMor wrote:Thanks notbobsmith.
I compared the point list you used with the hint book and my script analysis:
Your point list has the following extra points:
  • Attempt to buy Grail in bazaar (1 gold, in smaller coins): +5 Skill points
  • Asking the scholar about Jerusalem: +1 Wisdom point

The hint book has the following extra points:
  • Asking the Old Ones about mother-moon: +1 Wisdom point
  • [In the chapel] give silver coin to Mithras: +1 Skill point

Combining both lists, it appears to be possible to reach 367 Skill points, 294 Wisdom points, and 357 Soul points.

I just tried the chapel and the extra point is there. The hint book says you get one point each for silver and gold at each altar for a total of 4 (not 3, like in the point list), but that is not entirely correct. You get 2 for giving gold at the Christian altar, 1 for giving gold at the Mithras altar (as in the point list), and 1 for giving silver at either. I tried giving silver and gold to both, but that doesn't give you 5. The silver is only counted once for some reason. So, yes, 367 Skill points is possible. The mother-moon thing is probably the same as asking about silver. Or maybe I thought the point was given for a different question. Anyway, that does account for the extra Wisdom point.

Tawmis wrote:
Which still doesn't match up.


I'm guessing 357 is a typo. :)
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Re: My Camelot playthrough

Post by OmerMor »

notbobsmith wrote:
Tawmis wrote:
Which still doesn't match up.

I'm guessing 357 is a typo. :)
Oops, you're right :oops:

About the chapel:
If you start with a Gold coin for Christ, you'll get the points for the silver one as well.
If you start with the silver coin, you'll get the points separately. But it's not possible to get more than 4 points there.
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