Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

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Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

Post by DeadPoolX »

The good news is that there's a brand new Adventure game, called Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer, scheduled for release in 2010. It's boasting incredible graphics (some say it rivals Crysis) and supposedly a good storyline.

The bad news, however, is that HR:TOK is a PS3 exclusive game.

It's not unrealistic to think that HR:TOK might get ported to the PC. Many "console-only" titles have been translated to the PC. Hopefully HR:TOK follows that pattern.

GameSpot has an article about it, along with some screen shots and videos. Quantic Dream (the developer) has some info as well.
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Re: Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

Post by Tawmis »

It's an unusual name for an adventure game... or for a game... if I saw it on the shelf... I am not sure I'd pick it up immediately (I know one should not judge a book by its cover)... I don't have a PS3 and I rarely ever game (new games) on the PC anymore... so chances are slim I'd get this even if it did port to PC. If it doesn't come out for the X360 at least, game wise, slim chance I will pick it up these days.

It's just so much easier to play games on a console than anything else. With PCs you might not have enough memory, might have to update video drivers for it work properly, might not have enough hard drive space, etc etc - with the consoles, you don't have to worry about any of that stuff. I have definitely been converted to console games these days...
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Re: Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

Post by DeadPoolX »

I like consoles and have been using them since the Atari 2600. At one time or another, I've owned an NES, SNES, Genesis, Sega CD (add-on for the Genesis), 3DO, PS1, PS2 and now a Wii. All of the above consoles still work except for the NES and Atari 2600.

Having said that, I still prefer PC gaming. Sure, there are a lot of issues associated with PC gaming that simply aren't a concern on the consoles. However, PC gaming offers more variety in games.

When was the last time you saw an MMORPG on a console? How about a really good RTS? FPS games are widely available on consoles, but using a mouse to aim is much easier than using a game pad. Consoles do have some good RPGs and most of those have been ported to the PC (and using a mouse is still more intuitive than a game pad).

I'm still waiting for a real Flight Simulator to appear. I don't consider games like Blazing Angels or any title in the Ace Combat series as FS. Those games might be fun, but they're action, pure and simple. A real FS is something like Falcon 4.0, IL-2 Sturmovik or European Air War. There's more to flying in those games than zipping around and shooting things.
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Re: Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

Post by Tawmis »

DeadPoolX wrote: I like consoles and have been using them since the Atari 2600. At one time or another, I've owned an NES, SNES, Genesis, Sega CD (add-on for the Genesis), 3DO, PS1, PS2 and now a Wii. All of the above consoles still work except for the NES and Atari 2600.
Heh. You sound like me. In my office I have one of those AV port switches hooked to my tv - and have the NES, SNES, Genesis, PS1, PS2, Dreamcast, Wii and XBOX all hooked up to it. I only have like 10 NES and SNES games, but it still works. About 20 Genesis games, but it too still works. My original Atari 2600, like yours, is broken. But I have one of those ones that they redid (it's no bigger than a joystick with a game slot being the only thing to it really), as well as the Genesis one that they did that with (which is what I have hooked up, because it's smaller - my original genesis still works but is in storage below the house).
DeadPoolX wrote: When was the last time you saw an MMORPG on a console? How about a really good RTS? FPS games are widely available on consoles, but using a mouse to aim is much easier than using a game pad. Consoles do have some good RPGs and most of those have been ported to the PC (and using a mouse is still more intuitive than a game pad).
While they may be no MMO (isn't there a Final Fantasy MMO on the PS3? Or is that just console too?) - that's not too much of a concern for me. I do play WoW but that's about to expire (willingly) and I did reactivate my CoH for a month (also about to expire). But over all MMOs have lost all interest for me. And for RTS, the last ones I played were the Warcraft III RTS games... And I respectively disagree on the FPS being easier on PC - granted faster movement (for moving your gun around the screen, or better control) - but I have found the controls easier on the console (and I go by GEARS OF WAR 1, which I have both on console and PC - and being modern). But I think that's all a matter of preference and what you're comfortable with. I mean I am fine with FPS games on PCs - I can play HALO 1 for hours on a PC, but definitely prefer it on the XBOX.
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Re: Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

Post by shellybee »

I have been very much looking forward to this game..I hear it is going to be amazing and i cannot wait..
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Re: Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

Post by Tawmis »

shellybee wrote:I have been very much looking forward to this game..I hear it is going to be amazing and i cannot wait..
So spill the beans (and veer this back on topic) - what has you excited about the game?
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Re: Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

Post by Datadog »

Man, they're really going to town with the facial expression technology on this. The game looks pretty great so far.

Reading the premise of the game, I love how you can play as four different characters, and how the whole story can change depending on which characters make it through alive.

The only thing that's bugging me is that this doesn't seem to be a traditional adventure - or even something of Myst caliber - but rather a full-length quicktime-event game. Quicktime events are my least favorite part of games these days, because they distract from the more-interesting things happening on-screen. I can't imagine being able to play a whole game where I'm too focused on differentiating between squares and circles while trying to pay attention to a crime investigation.
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Re: Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

Post by Maiandra »

If they don't port it to PC, I won't be playing it. We don't have a PS3 and I can't see us getting one any time soon. I hope for the sake of those who do play it that they do away with the inane action-mini-game concept that Indigo Prophecy had. That feature was so disruptive that it ruined the game for me and I had to stop playing. It would have been less disruptive to control the character directly for the action than to play some goofy "Simon Says" mini-game to make him do it. How is a twitch-based mini-game any better than twitch-based action? That made no sense and totally ruined the immersion.

It's strange, but the graphics for Heavy Rain look very familiar. I think I read an article about them at some point quite a while ago. It wasn't about the game, though, it was about the technology. I wish I could remember what and where it was.
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Re: Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

Post by shellybee »

Tawmis wrote:
shellybee wrote:I have been very much looking forward to this game..I hear it is going to be amazing and i cannot wait..
So spill the beans (and veer this back on topic) - what has you excited about the game?
I also enjoy the fact that you can play as more than one character and change the story line..keeps it interesting so your'e not just repeating the same thing over and over again...
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