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Re: What are you playing now?

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*thinks* Would it help, when saving a game, to call your save-game "Day 2 - 125 points" (or whatever)? Just an idea ...
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Re: What are you playing now?

Post by BBP »

Your savegame shows the amount of points you have anyway, so that's not necessary. I'm using my own point list [plug]on the Gabriel Knight 3 Compendium at bonny.ploeg.ws, check it out!)[/plug] but checking which points I had at a given moment in time was tough due to the many optional things that can be done in different time blocks.
I'm missing 5 points when I look at the save before the temple. Two of those I found back (In Serres Grace hadn't properly read the book from the drawer) but there appears to be 1 point missing. Either it's a 1 point thing I'm missing from the first Serpent Rouge chapter (most 1 point actions from this chapter, like scanning, linking, looking up the right term in SIDNEY) can be done at a later point - or it's something bigger, like 5 points I'm missing, and I've done 2 things I can also do at a later stage so the sum is 1. My last theory is I forgot to scan/translate SUM but if that's not it I don't know what it could be anymore.
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Re: What are you playing now?

Post by BBP »

In the category BBP's Wacky Adventures In Gabriel Knight-land I am trying to finish Day 3:7-10AM and somehow I managed to get stuck - I set all flags for as far as I know, but the chapter won't end.

Oh well. Let's try it for the third time.
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Re: What are you playing now?

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Where are you stuck? Maybe I can help by hinting in the right direction. :)
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Re: What are you playing now?

Post by BBP »

Hahaha you do know I know GK3 backwards and through and through (and still find things to make me replay it)?

In block 3:7-10AM you are Grace and it's the 2nd time block you work on Le Serpent Rouge.
In the first time block, you:
-get and investigate the painting
-visit the Centre of The Circle, get the note and compare the painting
-solve Leo (path between the two)
Then the clock ticks and you:
-talk to Madeline at L'Homme Mort
-talk to Buchelli in the dining room
-solve Virgo (temple outline)
-solve Libra (Seal of Solomon)

After the clock ticked I solved Virgo and Libra - and since I recall you can solve Ophiuchus before it's due I did some work on that (stupid since I was doing it for the points alone and by doing things in the wrong order I get confused). Normally the chapter ends when you're at your computer after you solved Libra, but because I hadn't visited Madeline, it didn't end. I went to visit Madeline and talked to Buchelli and did all sorts of other things that could end the chapter - but it won't.

Unfortunately it seems that translating Sum isn't the one point I missed. I'm even double checking other point lists to see what it could be.
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Re: What are you playing now?

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Aha - I think I know what you may have missed. Have you done (or tried to)...

1. Get the three postcards from the top row of the rack in the museum display room?
2. Scan them all into SIDNEY and analyze them? (I'm sure you've done #1 and #2, since you've solved Libra and Virgo)
3. Looked at Tenier's first painting -- and discovered what you need to find there? (Remember that Tenier had two paintings of
St. Anthony, so the other one must be the important one)
4. Solved the Leo riddle? If not, here's how:

a. Start by reading the last sentence.
b. It talks about making a path.
c. The riddle also mentions Poussin.
d. And the "innermost places" of the Queen.
e. The queen is represented by the circle.
f. So her innermost place would be the centre of the circle.
g. All you need to do now is draw a line.
h. Add two points -- Poussin's tomb and L'Ermitage (at the centre of the circle) -- and then start the analysis. Done! :)

I think the Ophiucus riddle only comes during the 12-3pm time block, and should not be started before doing Leo, Virgo and Libra.

5. Did you add the hexagram to the map? And place it? It should be around the crown, and should be placed at the right angle.
a. Read the riddle carefully for a clue.
b. "One rigid arm" probably refers to one of the points of the hexagram.
c. It goes at the "intersection of the many".
d. Where do lots of lines on the map intersect?
e. Rotate the hexagram so one of its outer points touches that point. That should solve this riddle.

6. Although it's not necessary as far as the riddles are concerned, you may need to make sure you have scanned and analysed all three paintings. You should also follow an important link in SIDNEY suggested by the Poussin painting -- SIDNEY will tell you the link is off-line when you try to view it.

a. Make sure you've looked up the Temple of Solomon floorplan.
b. Once you've done that, you should try to compare your findings to those out in the real world.
c. Grace wrote down the coordinates of the center of the circle on the map.
d. That point is somewhere near L'Ermitage, but you'll need something a little more accurate (a locator) to find exactly where it is.
e. Don't know where the locator is? That's OK, I've included notes! :)
f. When you have a locator, head to L'Ermitage on Gabriel's Harley. If you haven't done so already, you will need to pick up the keys to the Harley from the table of Gabriel's room.
g. When you get to L'Ermitage, use the locator on yourself and watch thecoordinates in the upper left corner of the screen. Keep moving until you reach the numbers Grace wrote down. Don't worry about the precise numbers -- just search for the spot where the number of seconds is a whole number (i.e., the last two numbers on both lines of the display are "00").
h. The centre of the circle is very close to the mouth of the cave. Once you get there, Grace will automatically mark the spot with an "X".
i. I guess you'd dig at the "X"? ;) Well, there's nothing there, but look what's in the cave...
j. There's a mysterious note! :D

7. Where's the &$*@ locator?!
a. Gabriel saw Mosely using a locator device earlier in the game.
b. And you also have the key to Mosely's room... ;)
c. The locator is in Mosely's room, underneath a pile of clothes in his room.
d. But Grace won't look through that pile until she's searched everything else.
e. Search the bed, wardrobe and briefcase first. Then, you can search the clothes for the locator.

8. So when will this time block end?
After you've done all of the above, head back to your room.

Sorry, I know I'm preaching to the expert! :) It's just that sometimes we all overlook something. Good luck. :)
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Re: What are you playing now?

Post by BBP »


Solved all 3 puzzles of that chapter and undertook all necessary actions to be able to (bought and analyzed the postcards, visited l'Hermitage) and I talked to Madeline and Buchelli afterwards.

Anyway I just played the chapter again and went all the way up to 3:9PM-Midnight - by that point you need to have 861 points if you're going for maximum, and I'm 2 short. A lot of actions are for 2 points so that makes more sense than missing one (though, if I missed 1, it's translating Sum). I pay attention at the things I always forget - the tire tracks at Serres for instance - but it's not enough.

(Psst, Bon, since when did you ever need a reason to replay GK3?) Oh yeah!
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Re: What are you playing now?

Post by Tawmis »

Man, this would be perfect if we only had a GK forum! :lol:

I kid, I don't mind (just being silly).
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Re: What are you playing now?

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:lol: It's no problem.

Now this page reminds me of the redacted documents from the famous [pick any famous court trial you like] trial! :D
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Re: What are you playing now?

Post by BBP »

Trying to see if I can finish The Colonel's Bequest this time.

There's a death scene where the bell lands on Laura and she is basically crushed to a bell with feet and runs around. Has anyone ever managed to capture it and put it on YT?
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Re: What are you playing now?

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Found the death and uploaded it :D

Now playing with two other games from the Roberta Williams collection - KQ5 and KQ6. Was a bit surprised that ScummVM was chosen for KQ6 - I am not a fan because of how ugly it looked when I saved games in Full Throttle - it ran in a window that was too large so both the top and bottom fell off my screen, couldn't make it go fullscreen so I said "to heck with it" and fired up the executable in DOSBox.

So there's a lot more screenshots on the way. :D
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Re: What are you playing now?

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Hmm. I've played KQ6 and remember it fairly well, but all I can remember of KQ5 is Cedric and how annoying he was. :( Then again, the last time I played KQ5 was when I was a college student. I don't know, it just didn't "grab" me.

I agree, DOSBox is probably the way to go to launch these. :)

Just curious: you say you were surprised that "ScummVM was chosen for KQ6". Who chose ScummVM? When I play old Sierra games on GOG, they always launch in DOSBox and then go fullscreen, and it looks good. :)
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Re: What are you playing now?

Post by BBP »

Whoever made the installer, so that would be Collector. I think it has to do with high resolution image close-ups but when the window falls off the screen that's rather moot :D
The DOSBox executable I found is the voiceless version, which would also be interesting to play.

I'm pretty far in KQ5 now, already reached Mordack's castle. My last jamming point was the blue beast. I couldn't defeat him in time because he'd give me such a fit every time he got on the screen. Walking around in KQ5 is pretty slow - at top speed it's manageable and with Alt F12 to help even the mazes are doable - but at top speed the timed sections become much harder.

I noticed you twice have a dead fish in your inventory in KQ5! :lol:
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Re: What are you playing now?

Post by BBP »

Finished KQ5!
Speeding up your game with alt F12 is a godsend when you are in the library :D Now just some death screenshots and there'll be another bundle of screencaps for Collector :D
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Re: What are you playing now?

Post by Semi-Happy Partygoer »

Just finished Shadows of Darkness for the first time in around six years or so. This was easily the most comprehensive play through I’ve done to date, and the second time I’ve played as a Paladin.

I’m now onto Dragon Fire and am almost finished. I’ve only played this once before, back in 2003. And this time I’ve gotten Erana to agree to marry me! The first time I rescued Katrina and was unaware she’s refuse to marry Paladins.
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