The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Just like the title says. Fun little forum related games and threads. Come in here and have some fun!
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by Rath Darkblade »

New Game: Fantasy (like King's Quest, Black Cauldron, etc)

1. Crystal ball.

2. A Wizened Old Seer(TM) peers into the Crystal Ball and tells the QfG hero -- now also the King of Silmaria -- "You will go on quests forever."

The QfG hero sighs and says "Not again!"

But Toro (with his big axe) says ...... Toro's Big Axe. ;)

3. "Don't worry. Toro go with Hero Man. Toro have big axe. Toro name axe Bessie"

"Then it is settled," the Wizened Old Seer says. "The two of you must travel to the distant continent of Vespuciland. You will need this map." Map

4. In Vespuciland, the Hero Man(TM), Toro and Bessie consult the map and decide to go to the Dakota territory, where they encounter Native Vespucians in their tepee tents. The Vespucians introduce themselves as Lakota and ask him what the visitors what they want.

The Hero Man(TM) bows politely and asks to speak to their leaders. The Lakota look blank and ask: "Which leader? Sitting Bull, Red Cloud or Crazy Horse?"

Toro says: "Toro wish to see Sitting Bull. Toro is Bull Man."

"Very well," says the Hero Man. "Sitting Bull shall have my sword."

"And Toro's axe!" Toro adds. Sitting Bull's tepee.

5. Our hero sits in the teepee and has a vision. A Wall of Text. An actual physical wall with writing on it.

6. Our hero touches the wall of text and it melts away to reveal Sitting Bull! :D Sitting Bull hands our hero a peace pipe. Peace pipe.
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by Tawmis »

New Game: Fantasy (like King's Quest, Black Cauldron, etc)

1. Crystal ball.
2. A Wizened Old Seer(TM) peers into the Crystal Ball and tells the QfG hero -- now also the King of Silmaria -- "You will go on quests forever."
The QfG hero sighs and says "Not again!"
But Toro (with his big axe) says ...... Toro's Big Axe. ;)
3. "Don't worry. Toro go with Hero Man. Toro have big axe. Toro name axe Bessie"
"Then it is settled," the Wizened Old Seer says. "The two of you must travel to the distant continent of Vespuciland. You will need this map." Map
4. In Vespuciland, the Hero Man(TM), Toro and Bessie consult the map and decide to go to the Dakota territory, where they encounter Native Vespucians in their tepee tents. The Vespucians introduce themselves as Lakota and ask him what the visitors what they want.
The Hero Man(TM) bows politely and asks to speak to their leaders. The Lakota look blank and ask: "Which leader? Sitting Bull, Red Cloud or Crazy Horse?"
Toro says: "Toro wish to see Sitting Bull. Toro is Bull Man."
"Very well," says the Hero Man. "Sitting Bull shall have my sword."
"And Toro's axe!" Toro adds. Sitting Bull's tepee.
5. Our hero sits in the teepee and has a vision. A Wall of Text. An actual physical wall with writing on it.
6. Our hero touches the wall of text and it melts away to reveal Sitting Bull! :D Sitting Bull hands our hero a peace pipe. Peace pipe.
7. Our hero takes the peace pipe and takes a puff; and sees how they can bring about peace to the world. Map
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by Rath Darkblade »

New Game: Fantasy (like King's Quest, Black Cauldron, etc)

1. Crystal ball.

2. A Wizened Old Seer(TM) peers into the Crystal Ball and tells the QfG hero -- now also the King of Silmaria -- "You will go on quests forever."

The QfG hero sighs and says "Not again!"

But Toro (with his big axe) says ...... Toro's Big Axe. ;)

3. "Don't worry. Toro go with Hero Man. Toro have big axe. Toro name axe Bessie"

"Then it is settled," the Wizened Old Seer says. "The two of you must travel to the distant continent of Vespuciland. You will need this map." Map

4. In Vespuciland, the Hero Man(TM), Toro and Bessie consult the map and decide to go to the Dakota territory, where they encounter Native Vespucians in their tepee tents. The Vespucians introduce themselves as Lakota and ask him what the visitors what they want.

The Hero Man(TM) bows politely and asks to speak to their leaders. The Lakota look blank and ask: "Which leader? Sitting Bull, Red Cloud or Crazy Horse?"

Toro says: "Toro wish to see Sitting Bull. Toro is Bull Man."

"Very well," says the Hero Man. "Sitting Bull shall have my sword."

"And Toro's axe!" Toro adds. Sitting Bull's tepee.

5. Our hero sits in the teepee and has a vision. A Wall of Text. An actual physical wall with writing on it.

6. Our hero touches the wall of text and it melts away to reveal Sitting Bull! :D Sitting Bull hands our hero a peace pipe. Peace pipe.

7. Our hero takes the peace pipe and takes a puff; and sees how they can bring about peace to the world. Map

8. The map shows all the places where -- currently -- war and strife are going on. (Bummer). But can peace be brought about with flowers? Flowers.
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by Tawmis »

New Game: Fantasy (like King's Quest, Black Cauldron, etc)
1. Crystal ball.
2. A Wizened Old Seer(TM) peers into the Crystal Ball and tells the QfG hero -- now also the King of Silmaria -- "You will go on quests forever."
The QfG hero sighs and says "Not again!"
But Toro (with his big axe) says ...... Toro's Big Axe. ;)
3. "Don't worry. Toro go with Hero Man. Toro have big axe. Toro name axe Bessie"
"Then it is settled," the Wizened Old Seer says. "The two of you must travel to the distant continent of Vespuciland. You will need this map." Map
4. In Vespuciland, the Hero Man(TM), Toro and Bessie consult the map and decide to go to the Dakota territory, where they encounter Native Vespucians in their tepee tents. The Vespucians introduce themselves as Lakota and ask him what the visitors what they want.
The Hero Man(TM) bows politely and asks to speak to their leaders. The Lakota look blank and ask: "Which leader? Sitting Bull, Red Cloud or Crazy Horse?"
Toro says: "Toro wish to see Sitting Bull. Toro is Bull Man."
"Very well," says the Hero Man. "Sitting Bull shall have my sword."
"And Toro's axe!" Toro adds. Sitting Bull's tepee.
5. Our hero sits in the teepee and has a vision. A Wall of Text. An actual physical wall with writing on it.
6. Our hero touches the wall of text and it melts away to reveal Sitting Bull! :D Sitting Bull hands our hero a peace pipe. Peace pipe.
7. Our hero takes the peace pipe and takes a puff; and sees how they can bring about peace to the world. Map
8. The map shows all the places where -- currently -- war and strife are going on. (Bummer). But can peace be brought about with flowers? Flowers.
9. Our hero takes the flowers and brings them to the kingdom; where they are known to thrive on blood soaked soil (that got dark) and prosper. But the side effect, is a sense of calm that emits from the flower's scent. Sword.
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by Rath Darkblade »

New Game: Fantasy (like King's Quest, Black Cauldron, etc)

1. Crystal ball.

2. A Wizened Old Seer(TM) peers into the Crystal Ball and tells the QfG hero -- now also the King of Silmaria -- "You will go on quests forever."

The QfG hero sighs and says "Not again!"

But Toro (with his big axe) says ...... Toro's Big Axe. ;)

3. "Don't worry. Toro go with Hero Man. Toro have big axe. Toro name axe Bessie"

"Then it is settled," the Wizened Old Seer says. "The two of you must travel to the distant continent of Vespuciland. You will need this map." Map

4. In Vespuciland, the Hero Man(TM), Toro and Bessie consult the map and decide to go to the Dakota territory, where they encounter Native Vespucians in their tepee tents. The Vespucians introduce themselves as Lakota and ask him what the visitors what they want.

The Hero Man(TM) bows politely and asks to speak to their leaders. The Lakota look blank and ask: "Which leader? Sitting Bull, Red Cloud or Crazy Horse?"

Toro says: "Toro wish to see Sitting Bull. Toro is Bull Man."

"Very well," says the Hero Man. "Sitting Bull shall have my sword."

"And Toro's axe!" Toro adds. Sitting Bull's tepee.

5. Our hero sits in the teepee and has a vision. A Wall of Text. An actual physical wall with writing on it.

6. Our hero touches the wall of text and it melts away to reveal Sitting Bull! :D Sitting Bull hands our hero a peace pipe. Peace pipe.

7. Our hero takes the peace pipe and takes a puff; and sees how they can bring about peace to the world. Map

8. The map shows all the places where -- currently -- war and strife are going on. (Bummer). But can peace be brought about with flowers? Flowers.

9. Our hero takes the flowers and brings them to the kingdom; where they are known to thrive on blood soaked soil (that got dark) and prosper. But the side effect, is a sense of calm that emits from the flower's scent. Sword.

10. The hero plants the flowers in the blood-soaked soil, then raises his word and crosses it with Toro's axe. (Huzzah! We knew it would be back into play!) ;)

The flowers immediately grow and prosper, and the sense of calm is magnified when it touches the hero's sword and Toro's axe! :D

The sense of calm is spread around the world and brings peace to everything it touches. Why? These are very special flowers, and come from Erana's Peace. THE END! ;)
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by Tawmis »

You did the 10th one - so ye need to set up the next game.
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Oh, whoops. Let me see ...

New Game: RPG Adventure (like Quest for Glory, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls etc. -- I know they're not all Sierra games -- just examples) ;)

1. Magic Sword.
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by notbobsmith »

New Game: RPG Adventure (like Quest for Glory, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls etc. -- I know they're not all Sierra games -- just examples) ;)

1. Magic Sword.

2. In the faraway town of Clee-shay, a peasant farm boy uncovers a magic sword in the ground. The sword speaks to him and says: "I am the Sword of Truth and you have a Destiny. That's right. Free will is a lie and you are no different than a stone rolling down a hill: oblivious to the forces that shape your path and equally powerless to change it. Now head into town and buy a shovel. You'll need it. Let's get this show on the road."

Incredulous the boy replies, "You're awfully rude. I haven't even told you my name."

"Like it matters," replies the sword. "And I'm the Sword of Truth not the Sword of Tact. Move it, Destiny-boy."
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by Rath Darkblade »


New Game: RPG Adventure (like Quest for Glory, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls etc. -- I know they're not all Sierra games -- just examples) ;)

1. Magic Sword.

2. In the faraway town of Clee-shay, a peasant farm boy uncovers a magic sword in the ground. The sword speaks to him and says: "I am the Sword of Truth and you have a Destiny. That's right. Free will is a lie and you are no different than a stone rolling down a hill: oblivious to the forces that shape your path and equally powerless to change it. Now head into town and buy a shovel. You'll need it. Let's get this show on the road."

Incredulous the boy replies, "You're awfully rude. I haven't even told you my name."

"Like it matters," replies the sword. "And I'm the Sword of Truth not the Sword of Tact. Move it, Destiny-boy."

3. The peasant boy goes into town to buy a shovel, but he has no money. "Tell you what," he says to the shovel-maker, "why don't I trade you this dandy Magic Sword for the shovel?"

The shovel-maker agrees, and the peasant boy takes up grave-digging instead. Destiny, Schmestiny. :P Coffin.
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by notbobsmith »

New Game: RPG Adventure (like Quest for Glory, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls etc. -- I know they're not all Sierra games -- just examples) ;)

1. Magic Sword.

2. In the faraway town of Clee-shay, a peasant farm boy uncovers a magic sword in the ground. The sword speaks to him and says: "I am the Sword of Truth and you have a Destiny. That's right. Free will is a lie and you are no different than a stone rolling down a hill: oblivious to the forces that shape your path and equally powerless to change it. Now head into town and buy a shovel. You'll need it. Let's get this show on the road."

Incredulous the boy replies, "You're awfully rude. I haven't even told you my name."

"Like it matters," replies the sword. "And I'm the Sword of Truth not the Sword of Tact. Move it, Destiny-boy."

3. The peasant boy goes into town to buy a shovel, but he has no money. "Tell you what," he says to the shovel-maker, "why don't I trade you this dandy Magic Sword for the shovel?"

The shovel-maker agrees, and the peasant boy takes up grave-digging instead. Destiny, Schmestiny. :P Coffin.

4. The peasant farm boy starts work digging his first grave. As he tries to lower the coffin into the grave, it slips and falls in, breaking apart. The corpse spill out. He notices it is that of an old woman wearing a golden amulet. Suddenly the ghost of the woman appears before him:

"Ah, the Destined One, as the Sword of Truth foretold. You must take this amulet to The Cave of Lost Mysteries."

"What?" the boy asks. "No. I'm not going to just keep doing things just because mystical beings say so. What if I refuse?"

"Do you know what it's like to be haunted by a ghost for the rest of your life?"

"...Okay, fine." Golden Amulet
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by Rath Darkblade »

New Game: RPG Adventure (like Quest for Glory, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls etc. -- I know they're not all Sierra games -- just examples) ;)

1. Magic Sword.
2. In the faraway town of Clee-shay, a peasant farm boy uncovers a magic sword in the ground. The sword speaks to him and says: "I am the Sword of Truth and you have a Destiny. That's right. Free will is a lie and you are no different than a stone rolling down a hill: oblivious to the forces that shape your path and equally powerless to change it. Now head into town and buy a shovel. You'll need it. Let's get this show on the road."

Incredulous the boy replies, "You're awfully rude. I haven't even told you my name."

"Like it matters," replies the sword. "And I'm the Sword of Truth not the Sword of Tact. Move it, Destiny-boy."
3. The peasant boy goes into town to buy a shovel, but he has no money. "Tell you what," he says to the shovel-maker, "why don't I trade you this dandy Magic Sword for the shovel?"

The shovel-maker agrees, and the peasant boy takes up grave-digging instead. Destiny, Schmestiny. :P Coffin.
4. The peasant farm boy starts work digging his first grave. As he tries to lower the coffin into the grave, it slips and falls in, breaking apart. The corpse spill out. He notices it is that of an old woman wearing a golden amulet. Suddenly the ghost of the woman appears before him:

"Ah, the Destined One, as the Sword of Truth foretold. You must take this amulet to The Cave of Lost Mysteries."

"What?" the boy asks. "No. I'm not going to just keep doing things just because mystical beings say so. What if I refuse?"

"Do you know what it's like to be haunted by a ghost for the rest of your life?"

"...Okay, fine." Golden Amulet
5. The peasant farm boy takes the Golden Amulet, sells it at the local pub, and gets gloriously drunk on the proceeds. :P

That night, he is haunted by the ghost of the woman. Uh-oh! He gets up, still hung over, and sneaks over to the pub to steal the Amulet. Remarkably, he succeeds! Then he sneaks over to the shovel-maker and steals the Sword of Truth! :P

He figures out that he has to start taking this seriously. So he asks the Sword of Truth where the Cave of Lost Mysteries is. The Sword of Truth pulls up its GPS and gives Destiny-boy directions. :P
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by notbobsmith »

New Game: RPG Adventure (like Quest for Glory, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls etc. -- I know they're not all Sierra games -- just examples) ;)

1. Magic Sword.
2. In the faraway town of Clee-shay, a peasant farm boy uncovers a magic sword in the ground. The sword speaks to him and says: "I am the Sword of Truth and you have a Destiny. That's right. Free will is a lie and you are no different than a stone rolling down a hill: oblivious to the forces that shape your path and equally powerless to change it. Now head into town and buy a shovel. You'll need it. Let's get this show on the road."

Incredulous the boy replies, "You're awfully rude. I haven't even told you my name."

"Like it matters," replies the sword. "And I'm the Sword of Truth not the Sword of Tact. Move it, Destiny-boy."
3. The peasant boy goes into town to buy a shovel, but he has no money. "Tell you what," he says to the shovel-maker, "why don't I trade you this dandy Magic Sword for the shovel?"

The shovel-maker agrees, and the peasant boy takes up grave-digging instead. Destiny, Schmestiny. :P Coffin.
4. The peasant farm boy starts work digging his first grave. As he tries to lower the coffin into the grave, it slips and falls in, breaking apart. The corpse spill out. He notices it is that of an old woman wearing a golden amulet. Suddenly the ghost of the woman appears before him:

"Ah, the Destined One, as the Sword of Truth foretold. You must take this amulet to The Cave of Lost Mysteries."

"What?" the boy asks. "No. I'm not going to just keep doing things just because mystical beings say so. What if I refuse?"

"Do you know what it's like to be haunted by a ghost for the rest of your life?"

"...Okay, fine." Golden Amulet
5. The peasant farm boy takes the Golden Amulet, sells it at the local pub, and gets gloriously drunk on the proceeds. :P

That night, he is haunted by the ghost of the woman. Uh-oh! He gets up, still hung over, and sneaks over to the pub to steal the Amulet. Remarkably, he succeeds! Then he sneaks over to the shovel-maker and steals the Sword of Truth! :P

He figures out that he has to start taking this seriously. So he asks the Sword of Truth where the Cave of Lost Mysteries is. The Sword of Truth pulls up its GPS and gives Destiny-boy directions. :P

6. "Here we are," the Sword of Truth says as they arrive at the cave.

"So now what?" asks the peasant boy.

"You expect me to just tell you what you are supposed to do?"

"Well, yes. That's how this whole thing has been going."

"Good. You're catching on. Head inside and place the amulet on an altar." Sure enough, within the cave was an altar. The peasant boy places the amulet on the altar and another ghost appears. "Ah, the Destined One, as the Sword of Truth foretold. Take this scroll." Magic Scroll
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by Rath Darkblade »

New Game: RPG Adventure (like Quest for Glory, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls etc. -- I know they're not all Sierra games -- just examples) ;)

1. Magic Sword.
2. In the faraway town of Clee-shay, a peasant farm boy uncovers a magic sword in the ground. The sword speaks to him and says: "I am the Sword of Truth and you have a Destiny. That's right. Free will is a lie and you are no different than a stone rolling down a hill: oblivious to the forces that shape your path and equally powerless to change it. Now head into town and buy a shovel. You'll need it. Let's get this show on the road."

Incredulous the boy replies, "You're awfully rude. I haven't even told you my name."

"Like it matters," replies the sword. "And I'm the Sword of Truth not the Sword of Tact. Move it, Destiny-boy."
3. The peasant boy goes into town to buy a shovel, but he has no money. "Tell you what," he says to the shovel-maker, "why don't I trade you this dandy Magic Sword for the shovel?"

The shovel-maker agrees, and the peasant boy takes up grave-digging instead. Destiny, Schmestiny. :P Coffin.
4. The peasant farm boy starts work digging his first grave. As he tries to lower the coffin into the grave, it slips and falls in, breaking apart. The corpse spill out. He notices it is that of an old woman wearing a golden amulet. Suddenly the ghost of the woman appears before him:

"Ah, the Destined One, as the Sword of Truth foretold. You must take this amulet to The Cave of Lost Mysteries."

"What?" the boy asks. "No. I'm not going to just keep doing things just because mystical beings say so. What if I refuse?"

"Do you know what it's like to be haunted by a ghost for the rest of your life?"

"...Okay, fine." Golden Amulet
5. The peasant farm boy takes the Golden Amulet, sells it at the local pub, and gets gloriously drunk on the proceeds. :P

That night, he is haunted by the ghost of the woman. Uh-oh! He gets up, still hung over, and sneaks over to the pub to steal the Amulet. Remarkably, he succeeds! Then he sneaks over to the shovel-maker and steals the Sword of Truth! :P

He figures out that he has to start taking this seriously. So he asks the Sword of Truth where the Cave of Lost Mysteries is. The Sword of Truth pulls up its GPS and gives Destiny-boy directions. :P

6. "Here we are," the Sword of Truth says as they arrive at the cave.

"So now what?" asks the peasant boy.

"You expect me to just tell you what you are supposed to do?"

"Well, yes. That's how this whole thing has been going."

"Good. You're catching on. Head inside and place the amulet on an altar." Sure enough, within the cave was an altar. The peasant boy places the amulet on the altar and another ghost appears. "Ah, the Destined One, as the Sword of Truth foretold. Take this scroll." Magic Scroll

7. The peasant boy tries to read the scroll, but the writing looks like a spider got into the ink-pot and then crawled all over the page. "I can't read that!" He wails.

The Sword of Truth sighs. It sounds like metal scraping on metal. "That's the whole point, Destiny-boy. You must take it to Beechminster, the greatest wizard in the land. He will find out what's going on."

"And where is this Beechminster?"

The ghost speaks again, in a voice like a hundred voices sighing. "Beechminster is staying in the pub you just came from."

Groan! So Destiny-boy runs back, post-haste, to see Beechminster the Wizard -- who wears a gloriously red robe, a large red pointy and floppy hat, and has a wizard's staff as tall and gnarled as a tree (all right, I'm exaggerating a bit on this last one, work with me). ;) Beechminster takes the scroll, sets up a black cauldron full of water under a fire, and in a booming baritone voice, says:

"Magic scroll now in my hand,
Hear my voice, I now command;
Show me what's wrong in the kingdom!
I request it now ... er ... fair dinkum!" (Sorry. There aren't many words that rhyme with kingdom). ;)

The scroll trembles. The water in the cauldron bubbles, and a hideous, green demon erupts forth. "Who is it that summons Xotilolepatex?!" It screams. (The effect is ruined, unfortunately, because the demon is no more than two inches tall). Demon.
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by notbobsmith »

New Game: RPG Adventure (like Quest for Glory, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls etc. -- I know they're not all Sierra games -- just examples) ;)

1. Magic Sword.
2. In the faraway town of Clee-shay, a peasant farm boy uncovers a magic sword in the ground. The sword speaks to him and says: "I am the Sword of Truth and you have a Destiny. That's right. Free will is a lie and you are no different than a stone rolling down a hill: oblivious to the forces that shape your path and equally powerless to change it. Now head into town and buy a shovel. You'll need it. Let's get this show on the road."

Incredulous the boy replies, "You're awfully rude. I haven't even told you my name."

"Like it matters," replies the sword. "And I'm the Sword of Truth not the Sword of Tact. Move it, Destiny-boy."
3. The peasant boy goes into town to buy a shovel, but he has no money. "Tell you what," he says to the shovel-maker, "why don't I trade you this dandy Magic Sword for the shovel?"

The shovel-maker agrees, and the peasant boy takes up grave-digging instead. Destiny, Schmestiny. :P Coffin.
4. The peasant farm boy starts work digging his first grave. As he tries to lower the coffin into the grave, it slips and falls in, breaking apart. The corpse spill out. He notices it is that of an old woman wearing a golden amulet. Suddenly the ghost of the woman appears before him:

"Ah, the Destined One, as the Sword of Truth foretold. You must take this amulet to The Cave of Lost Mysteries."

"What?" the boy asks. "No. I'm not going to just keep doing things just because mystical beings say so. What if I refuse?"

"Do you know what it's like to be haunted by a ghost for the rest of your life?"

"...Okay, fine." Golden Amulet
5. The peasant farm boy takes the Golden Amulet, sells it at the local pub, and gets gloriously drunk on the proceeds. :P

That night, he is haunted by the ghost of the woman. Uh-oh! He gets up, still hung over, and sneaks over to the pub to steal the Amulet. Remarkably, he succeeds! Then he sneaks over to the shovel-maker and steals the Sword of Truth! :P

He figures out that he has to start taking this seriously. So he asks the Sword of Truth where the Cave of Lost Mysteries is. The Sword of Truth pulls up its GPS and gives Destiny-boy directions. :P

6. "Here we are," the Sword of Truth says as they arrive at the cave.

"So now what?" asks the peasant boy.

"You expect me to just tell you what you are supposed to do?"

"Well, yes. That's how this whole thing has been going."

"Good. You're catching on. Head inside and place the amulet on an altar." Sure enough, within the cave was an altar. The peasant boy places the amulet on the altar and another ghost appears. "Ah, the Destined One, as the Sword of Truth foretold. Take this scroll." Magic Scroll

7. The peasant boy tries to read the scroll, but the writing looks like a spider got into the ink-pot and then crawled all over the page. "I can't read that!" He wails.

The Sword of Truth sighs. It sounds like metal scraping on metal. "That's the whole point, Destiny-boy. You must take it to Beechminster, the greatest wizard in the land. He will find out what's going on."

"And where is this Beechminster?"

The ghost speaks again, in a voice like a hundred voices sighing. "Beechminster is staying in the pub you just came from."

Groan! So Destiny-boy runs back, post-haste, to see Beechminster the Wizard -- who wears a gloriously red robe, a large red pointy and floppy hat, and has a wizard's staff as tall and gnarled as a tree (all right, I'm exaggerating a bit on this last one, work with me). ;) Beechminster takes the scroll, sets up a black cauldron full of water under a fire, and in a booming baritone voice, says:

"Magic scroll now in my hand,
Hear my voice, I now command;
Show me what's wrong in the kingdom!
I request it now ... er ... fair dinkum!" (Sorry. There aren't many words that rhyme with kingdom). ;)

The scroll trembles. The water in the cauldron bubbles, and a hideous, green demon erupts forth. "Who is it that summons Xotilolepatex?!" It screams. (The effect is ruined, unfortunately, because the demon is no more than two inches tall). Demon.

8. "Um, me, I guess," replies the peasant boy. "The Destined One?"

"Yes. You have the bearing of a great warrior." (The Sword of Truth snickers at this) "But it is of no matter. You cannot stop what is coming. In three days time the Great Portal will open and more of my kind will pour forth and lay waste to this world. And there is nothing you can do to stop it!"

The peasant boy was concerned about the news of the incoming demon invasion but still wasn't the least bit intimidated by the tiny creature. "Why should we worry about a bunch of two-inch tall demons?" the peasant boy asked.

"Do you know how many a googol is?" The peasant boy shook his head no. "Well, it's a lot. And it's how many of us there are. You can't stop us!"

"Where can I find this Great Portal of yours?" the peasant boy asked.

"Ha, I'll never tell that it is 10 miles due south of the Cave of Lost Mysteries. Near the town of Plought Kawntryvance. If you reach the 230 Expressway, you've gone too far. Now I go to join my fellow demons!" The demon vanishes in a puff of smoke, leaving behind a tiny sword, appropriately sized for the two-inch tall demon.

"Good thing Xotilolepatex is kind of an idiot," says the Sword of Truth. "Well, grab the sword and lets get moving. 'Great warrior'. Wow. Just, wow." Tiny sword
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Rath Darkblade
The Cute One
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Re: The 10 Items For My Sierra Game (Community Game)

Post by Rath Darkblade »

New Game: RPG Adventure (like Quest for Glory, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls etc. -- I know they're not all Sierra games -- just examples) ;)

1. Magic Sword.
2. In the faraway town of Clee-shay, a peasant farm boy uncovers a magic sword in the ground. The sword speaks to him and says: "I am the Sword of Truth and you have a Destiny. That's right. Free will is a lie and you are no different than a stone rolling down a hill: oblivious to the forces that shape your path and equally powerless to change it. Now head into town and buy a shovel. You'll need it. Let's get this show on the road."

Incredulous the boy replies, "You're awfully rude. I haven't even told you my name."

"Like it matters," replies the sword. "And I'm the Sword of Truth not the Sword of Tact. Move it, Destiny-boy."
3. The peasant boy goes into town to buy a shovel, but he has no money. "Tell you what," he says to the shovel-maker, "why don't I trade you this dandy Magic Sword for the shovel?"

The shovel-maker agrees, and the peasant boy takes up grave-digging instead. Destiny, Schmestiny. :P Coffin.
4. The peasant farm boy starts work digging his first grave. As he tries to lower the coffin into the grave, it slips and falls in, breaking apart. The corpse spill out. He notices it is that of an old woman wearing a golden amulet. Suddenly the ghost of the woman appears before him:

"Ah, the Destined One, as the Sword of Truth foretold. You must take this amulet to The Cave of Lost Mysteries."

"What?" the boy asks. "No. I'm not going to just keep doing things just because mystical beings say so. What if I refuse?"

"Do you know what it's like to be haunted by a ghost for the rest of your life?"

"...Okay, fine." Golden Amulet
5. The peasant farm boy takes the Golden Amulet, sells it at the local pub, and gets gloriously drunk on the proceeds. :P

That night, he is haunted by the ghost of the woman. Uh-oh! He gets up, still hung over, and sneaks over to the pub to steal the Amulet. Remarkably, he succeeds! Then he sneaks over to the shovel-maker and steals the Sword of Truth! :P

He figures out that he has to start taking this seriously. So he asks the Sword of Truth where the Cave of Lost Mysteries is. The Sword of Truth pulls up its GPS and gives Destiny-boy directions. :P

6. "Here we are," the Sword of Truth says as they arrive at the cave.

"So now what?" asks the peasant boy.

"You expect me to just tell you what you are supposed to do?"

"Well, yes. That's how this whole thing has been going."

"Good. You're catching on. Head inside and place the amulet on an altar." Sure enough, within the cave was an altar. The peasant boy places the amulet on the altar and another ghost appears. "Ah, the Destined One, as the Sword of Truth foretold. Take this scroll." Magic Scroll

7. The peasant boy tries to read the scroll, but the writing looks like a spider got into the ink-pot and then crawled all over the page. "I can't read that!" He wails.

The Sword of Truth sighs. It sounds like metal scraping on metal. "That's the whole point, Destiny-boy. You must take it to Beechminster, the greatest wizard in the land. He will find out what's going on."

"And where is this Beechminster?"

The ghost speaks again, in a voice like a hundred voices sighing. "Beechminster is staying in the pub you just came from."

Groan! So Destiny-boy runs back, post-haste, to see Beechminster the Wizard -- who wears a gloriously red robe, a large red pointy and floppy hat, and has a wizard's staff as tall and gnarled as a tree (all right, I'm exaggerating a bit on this last one, work with me). ;) Beechminster takes the scroll, sets up a black cauldron full of water under a fire, and in a booming baritone voice, says:

"Magic scroll now in my hand,
Hear my voice, I now command;
Show me what's wrong in the kingdom!
I request it now ... er ... fair dinkum!" (Sorry. There aren't many words that rhyme with kingdom). ;)

The scroll trembles. The water in the cauldron bubbles, and a hideous, green demon erupts forth. "Who is it that summons Xotilolepatex?!" It screams. (The effect is ruined, unfortunately, because the demon is no more than two inches tall). Demon.

8. "Um, me, I guess," replies the peasant boy. "The Destined One?"

"Yes. You have the bearing of a great warrior." (The Sword of Truth snickers at this) "But it is of no matter. You cannot stop what is coming. In three days time the Great Portal will open and more of my kind will pour forth and lay waste to this world. And there is nothing you can do to stop it!"

The peasant boy was concerned about the news of the incoming demon invasion but still wasn't the least bit intimidated by the tiny creature. "Why should we worry about a bunch of two-inch tall demons?" the peasant boy asked.

"Do you know how many a googol is?" The peasant boy shook his head no. "Well, it's a lot. And it's how many of us there are. You can't stop us!"

"Where can I find this Great Portal of yours?" the peasant boy asked.

"Ha, I'll never tell that it is 10 miles due south of the Cave of Lost Mysteries. Near the town of Plought Kawntryvance. If you reach the 230 Expressway, you've gone too far. Now I go to join my fellow demons!" The demon vanishes in a puff of smoke, leaving behind a tiny sword, appropriately sized for the two-inch tall demon.

"Good thing Xotilolepatex is kind of an idiot," says the Sword of Truth. "Well, grab the sword and lets get moving. 'Great warrior'. Wow. Just, wow." Tiny sword

9. "And I'm coming too!" Beechminster says, grabbing the tiny sword. :P

"Beechminster, I don't think that's a good idea," the Sword of Truth says. "You wizards aren't made for that sort of thing--"

"I said, I'm coming too!"

Then the tiny sword squeaks: "Aha! Hear my voice, for I am the Sword of Tooth!"

There is a long, looooong silence. Then "Destiny-Boy" rolls his eyes and says: "The Sword of Tooth?"

"That's right! If you tell a lie, I magically fly at you and hit you in the teeth!" The Sword of Tooth snaps. "Any other stupid questions?"

There aren't any, so the Sword of Tooth says: "Let's go to the Great Portal, then!"

They arrive at the Great Portal with time to spare. Then the Sword of Tooth says: "I will guide your steps, O Great Warrior. Pick me up."

The Sword of Truth gnashes its blade and grumbles: "I could've been a contender, you know. I could've slain the Great Demon. But noooooooo..."

Meanwhile, Destiny-Boy picks up the Sword of Tooth between thumb and forefinger. "What now?" he says.

Just then, the Great Portal starts to glow ... Great Portal! :twisted:
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