The next person guesses, which is the truth; and then posts their own two lies and a truth. The person whose truth/lies have been guessed; must CONFIRM or DENY, whether the person has guessed correctly, before they can guess the next person's truth. If the person has guessed INCORRECTLY, you need only tell them they were wrong. The person need not keep guessing until they're right. Think of these as CLUES... if someone missed it, too bad! Carry on!

So for example, I post:
My dog is named Toulouse.
I live in San Diego.
My cat is named Odin.
The next poster might come along and guess that my dog is named Toulouse is my truth. Then they would post their own two lies, and a single truth.
Before I could then guess anyone else's; I must confirm or deny that their guess is correct.
So who shall step up and tell us two lies and one truth?
I will get the ball rolling...
I was actually, once a Butler in real life.
I own a Bubo (Original Clash of the Titans) replica.
I own a first printing of The Hobbit