... tcount=924
Originally Posted by GreyBlack View Post wrote:
So, you've already done one for me, and I loved it so much that I'd love one done for my newest character, Darren!
Name: Darren
Setting: New Orc City
Class: Fighter (Rune Knight) 8
Race: Goliath
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Background: Sailor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Feat: Tavern Brawler, Brawny
Str 20, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 12.
Darren is a character who came to New Orc City because his people were basically going to be put into work houses, so he came from across the sea at the age of 12 to help pay for his family's freedom, and he's been here for the past 4 years. I kinda based the backstory on the IRL Irish Diaspora and work houses; won't go into too much detail regarding that, but I'm just providing that basis. When he got here, he was taught to fight by the toughest SOB in New Orc City, Garkag, who was a bouncer at a local establishment.
So, he basically was a dock worker and sailor for hire up until he joined up with the group, at which point they found out that he's a hard drinking sailor with a heart of gold, but is constantly trying to fight something bigger. He can be impulsive, but family always comes first, and he's willing to fight and die to protect his family, both by blood and by choice.
I normally play him as kind of a comic relief, but there's always a hint of quiet tragedy in the character because he's literally 16, and he's supporting a family of 4 from a war torn country on his adventuring money. Because of that upbringing, he didn't exactly know what he wants, because he's never been given the chance to figure it out because of all of the expectations foisted upon him.
He's a big wrestler. Wrestled a 6 headed shark, a dragon, and effectively C'thulu. At this point, I play him more as a superhero in a gritty "Gangs of New York" setting, and it's so much fun for everyone involved.
Oh, and the character concept was originally "Groundskeeper Willie."
Some side notes -
The uncharted island “Tiffland” is a reference to “Ireland” – Tiff meaning Ire.

The drink mentioned “Pixiedus” is a reference to “Spirytus” which is the drink that holds the record for highest alcohol content at 96% (Everclear has 95%)
You mention the tragedy hidden - I wasn't sure what you wanted there.
So like many people, I paint the picture that he hides behind his drinking.
And while it may be "fun" - he clearly has a drinking problem that masks the pain.
Anyway - I know this is way, way, way late - but hope ye enjoy!
I would love to hear comments - good or bad - in the thread, as it helps keep the thread alive.
It all starts to blur after awhile.
I am sure a lot of that might have to do with the excessive amount of drinks I have every night. I might be adding a little extra flair to the stories. When I wake up in the morning, it’s difficult to try and recall what really happened compared to what I told everyone happened.
My name is Darren. And, yes, as you might have guessed by my size, I am a Goliath.
I was born on a small, uncharted island known as Tiffland; but to be honestly, that was four years ago but feels like a life time ago. I was a different person then. I had left Tiffland four years ago because my family was being moved into work houses and we needed a way to make money. So I worked at the docks for a few years, learned my way around a ship, and took up a job as a sailor for a few years. One of those trips, we had stopped at New Orc City – and I saw a whole new world – a bustling city so alive. I sailed for a few more years aboard a ship, before deciding to try my luck at New Orc City.
Oh, the city was alive, all right. Alive with thugs and crime, and I quickly learned that living in the city was like living in the wild – doing whatever it takes to survive. I learned there was an orc by the name of Garkag who was a bouncer at the Black and Blue Bar – named such, for both their drinks – and their sordid history of the endless bar fights. Garkag was known for being one of the toughest citizens of New Orc City because of the bar’s history and his ability to “one punch” people into the twilight sleep.
The city was chewing me alive – or trying to. So when I found out who Garkag was – I walked up to him and socked him with everything I had. I had to make a name for myself. Unfortunately, it only staggered him – and then he looked at me, said something about how I have guts and he was about to show me by cutting me open and shoving them down my throat – and a fight broke out.
The entire Black and Blue bar was cheering – the fight spilled into the streets, where it drew even more attention. And on and on it went – people were impressed that his “one punch twilight” hadn’t taken me out and people speculated it was because I punched him first so he wanted this to last.
And last it did.
We fought, non stop, for over twelve hours.
By the time it was done, we’d wrecked an entire city block – and he finally delivered his “one punch twilight” and knocked me out.
When I regained consciousness, I was pleasantly surprised to see that my stomach hadn’t been cleaved open and my guts displayed for me to visually gaze upon. Instead Garkag was next to me shouting how I’d finally regained consciousness and ordered me a drink and said I was one of the greatest warriors he’d ever fought. So many people not only heard about the fight, but also saw the fight, and I quickly garnered the respect of many people.
People began calling on me for help – like I was some kind of hero. Because I needed money to get back to my family, I always charged them – and became a Hero for Hire, as they used to like to say. When news broke out about some kind of aquatic threat, I was hired to board a ship – and sure enough, the craziest thing I’d ever seen – a six headed shark attacked the ship.
Now, let me take a step back. The ship I was on was importing a strong potent drink called Pixiedus – or sometimes, “Pixie Dust” because of how it makes you feel – and I may have had about ten or so too many. So there’s a good chance that it may have just been a mutated two headed shark – seen plenty of them before – but what I was seeing was a six headed shark. So by the time I’d defeated this shark mutant and climbed back on the ship, I was telling them how it had six heads and the legend spread. I even remember fighting a giant octopus, which I may or may not have claimed was the elder god, C’thulu. (I am unclear, because of the drinking – if it actually was the elder god or if it was a giant octopus – in the dark murky waters and all those tentacles touching me in places I didn’t enjoy being touched, I was sure it was an elder god).
Most days, I’d swear there’s more alcohol flowing through my veins than blood. ... tcount=926
Posted by Withershins View Post wrote:
Greetings - Love your work - starting a new campaign, level 6 (so a bit of adventure under their belt)
Mark of Shadow Elf
Clockwork Soul Sorcerer/Hexblade Warlock (2)
Urchin Background
Here is her Description:
The young elven Woman before you is of a short stature and a lithe and slender build. Her long dark blonde hair bound simply into a utilitarian braid, hangs unremarked over a slim shoulder, a small gray mouse is perched on the other.
Whisper has large deep eyes, the color of cracked wheat - restless eyes, piercing eyes - ever wary, ever on the move - like the girl herself, asparkle with mirth that she rarely allows herself to share. Whisper is of pale complexion and her skin is smooth and clear, with the exception of several clear, simply lined tattoos: visible on her face, hands arms and neck.
Whisper appears to never truly relax - like a thread pulled tight - always on the cusp of explosive action. Her piercing, thoughtful eyes seem to notice everything and her posture straight and poised, like a dancer. She wears a sarcastic smile on the corner of her lips, as though she is listening to a joke that you have not heard yet. A large black leather pouch hangs at each hip, appearing to be lovingly cared for and oft-used. She is dressed largely in black, cast off or stolen clothing which she clearly takes some bit of effort to maintain. A black cloak, torn at the height of her knee - so as not to impede her movement, a round, metal, buckler-style shield and two efficient looking daggers - sheathed on her thighs complete her carried equipment.
What could be the connection between the clockwork soul/memory loss and loss of family/Hexblade pact... I hope this has you interested
I am by far, the least political person in the world.
But a lot of times, when I need names for towns - I will use google translate and take a word or two and translate into a foreign language.
So for example, the town I mention is "Zabuta’dusha" - which translated from Ukraine's language is "Forgotten Soul."
This is in honor of all those, who are fighting over there... may they never be forgotten souls.
Everything is a balance.
Chaos and Order. Life and Death. Light and Darkness.
Even as I balance this dagger on my finger tip by the blade – the way the blade was made, so perfectly balanced.
So why do I feel out of balance?
I feel like a weapon – still being forged in the flames of a searing forge. I see pieces of something – my own past, perhaps. Just fractured images captured in time, like fine paintings. I see myself, much younger, happier. I see what I believe is my mother, my father, an older sister and a younger brother.
But I don’t know their names. I don’t have any emotion when I see them and think of them.
It’s as if all of that was ripped from me and I am a shattered glass that’s fallen on the floor with all these pieces around me.
My first memory – where I felt something – and could remember clearly was ten years ago. I woke up on the streets of Zabuta’dusha. I had to quickly learn to live on the streets and adapt – but I was surprised, these tattoos on my face, neck, and arms – I thought they were slave markings – but when I found I could use magic – they… tingled.
These weren’t slave markings at all – but something else.
Despite being an elf – and seeing others in Zabuta’dusha being tall and slender, I was shorter and slender, and could easily move between people and get where I needed to go. As I learned more about these strange markings on my body at the library located in Zabuta’dusha – I used the magic to summon and bond with a grey mouse I frequently saw in the library.
I spent copious amounts of time in the library, studying and devouring knowledge – trying to figure out what had happened to me – and that’s also where I took the name Whisper. Signs all over the library said, “If you must speak, please whisper.” And somehow that fit who I was – I wasn’t tall like my fellow elves, I was smaller – they were the spoken voice, I was the whisper.
It’d been while I was in the library one night – where I had the first vision; the first puzzle piece to what was apparently my past - an image of my mother, father, brother and sister. But it came with a voice, “You are the sundered weapon – once, for order. Restore the Order. Bring back the Balance, and the pieces and shards of your life – and the truth – will be revealed to you, piece by piece – and when completed, you will stand as a Weapon of Order.”
I took to seeking out the wrongs of the world, and doing what I could. And sure enough, as I did things – pieces were slowly being revealed to me. The greater the order, the more that was restored to my memory of my own past.
I am a weapon of Order, being forged together, to find out who I am.
I will be the Whisper that speaks with volume.
And I will be heard.
Quote Originally Posted by f5anor View Post wrote:
I would be very curious to see what you make out of this, since your other efforts are certainly impressive!
Here are the main points.
Arjan Kralkatorix, male Tymantheran Dragonborn (bronze), Paladin Oath of Conquest modeled after judge Dredd
Hatred of evil dragons, his belief is that they enslaved the Dragonborn, his goal is to conquer and eradicate evil dragons
Follower of Bahamut (lawful good)
Agent of the Lords Alliance and officer in the service of Laeral Silverhand Lady of Waterdeep
Protege of Nymmurh, ancient dragon living on an island off the Sword Coast. Nymmurh is involved in various Waterdeep intrigues.
Moved from Tymanther to Waterdeep to escape persecution due to his faith
Very interested in Draconic and dragonborn lore (speaks draconic), condescending attitude towards other (lesser) races
Considering multiclass out into HexBlade and Sorcerer and have been thinking about some cool way to introduce this into the story.
I am the sword in the darkness.
I am the lightning that leads the storm,
I am the storm that conquers fire,
I am the fury of the just, the shield of Lords.
I am the LAW
This isn't a negotiation.
It's judgment time!
You have been judged. The sentence is death.
Attempted murder of a Knight Judge, sentence: Death.
Are you ready civilians?
You clearly took a lot of reference from Judge Dredd (the comic, not the movie) - but a lot of DREDD (not to be confused with Judge Dredd) movie references too.
So I did the same.
It's very clear... Kera is Anderson.
And the main villain - well, that should be obvious when you get there.
I'd love to hear your thoughts in this thread as it keeps the thread bumped and alive.
“I am the sword in the darkness.
I am the lightning that leads the storm,
I am the storm that conquers fire,
I am the fury of the just, the shield of Lords.”
That had been my oath, my measure, my life.
My name is Arjan Kralkatorix and I have devoted my life to law and order. Too many people – every one else, really – have the selfish craving in their hearts, their souls – with so little regard of their repercussions to others. Chaos reigns supreme, even in those who call themselves heroes – more often than not these heroes are just as chaotic as the villains they devote their time fighting.
I am the weapon. I am the sword.
I alone will cut through the chaos. I will restore order.
Whether “hero” or villain who stands before me, they must all answer to Order and those who do not, or believe themselves above the law I serve, will learn swift and righteous justice.
As a Tymantheran Bronze Dragonborn and a Paladin of Conquest, I stand as a towering beacon of justice. I want those who break the law to see me; to know I am coming for them so they can stare into my eyes and know what is coming.
As a faithful follower of Bahamut, I know my means are justified and Laeral Silverhand the Lady of Waterdeep has seen me fit to be one of the Knight Judges. My work has been so thorough that I even gained the attention and trust of Nymmurh, an ancient dragon living on an island off the Sword Coast.
Nymmurh’s knowledge has been beneficial to me – my interest in my own history, as a Dragonborn – and the history of Dragon Kind that Nymmurh shares with me, has shown me the greatest evil this world has known – the Dragons who serve the darkness; so many serve them, through greed and fear. Cutting down those who faithfully serve these evil dragons does little; the dragons simply employ more who would gladly take the place of the fallen.
It was during this time, when I was on the island visiting, that Nymmurh told me about a human female who like myself, was a weapon for order.
“What’s so important about her?” I asked Nymmurh.
Nymmurh smiled, rows of razor sharp teeth, despite the dragon’s age, glistened. “Let’s just say she’s very important to me.” That’d been one of the things that Nymmurh had warned me about dragons – they were also a secretive lot. I just didn’t expect it from Nymmurh.
“Where do I find this girl?” I asked.
“You will find her in or around the Black Wagon Alley,” Nymmurh replied. “That’s where she was last seen.”
“If that’s where she’s at, then I will find her and bring her back to you,” I said.
I’d been in Waterdeep long enough to know the history of the Black Wagon Alley – it was a poor district, once raved by disease, and now supposedly the “Black Disease Wagon” can be seen some nights, without horses pulling it and incite insanity, fear and/or disease.
As I reached Black Wagon Alley, many of the people scampered away, like frightened rats into their crumbling homes. Truth be told, not many Knight Judges came to Black Wagon Alley, whether it was because of the superstition, or because most of these people had no possessions to steal, so the only crime that happened here was among one another.
So why was this human woman – Kera doing in a place like this?
I saw a child observing me with great interest. “You, child, come here.”
The child slowly crept towards me.
“What do you know of a blond woman who came here two days ago?”
The boy seemed shocked; undoubtedly by my towering size and presence.
I reached into my pouch and gave the child coin and food.
“Now, this girl,” I growled, “what do you know?”
The child placed his hand on his chest, “Mouse. Mouse show you. Mouse know way through Matron Clan hideout.”
“Matron Clan?” I asked.
“Yes,” the child who called himself Mouse explained. “Clan who runs Black Wagon alley.”
“Good,” I draw my weapon and smile. “That means a fight.”
Mouse led me through a number of traps into an abandoned building that once served as a hospital before it was abandoned after the disease had run so rampant. Within entering the first room, I was greeted by two humans. “You made a mistake coming in here,” one of them growled, brandishing a dagger.
“No,” I smile, holding up my weapon. “It is you who has made a mistake. You’re already dead, you just don’t know it yet. Mouse has told me of what you and this Matron Clan have done – and I am here to tell you, its judgement time.”
They lunge forward and my sword cuts deep into one while elbowing the other, breaking his jaw. He collapses to the floor trying to scream by his jaw is barely hanging on. “As I said, your time for judgement is at hand.” My foot ends his pain; permanently.
As I make my way through levels of what was now a gutted hospital, now being used to produce a narcotic known as “Free Fall” – it’d originally been produced in a less effective form to help people whose mind ran too quickly. It was quickly purified into this “Free Fall” form that makes those who ingest it feel as if everything was moving in slow motion.
Some of the people were people in the empty rooms, their mental state obliterated.
Others were members of this Matron Clan who tried to stop me.
“I am the law,” I growled as I cut endless cultists down. “I am your judgement. I am your death.”
When I finally reached the top floor, I was drenched in blood. I kicked down the door and saw a woman, scars across her face – a dagger held to another woman, blond.
I looked at the woman with scars. “What do I call you?”
“I am the Matron,” she growled. “I had nothing. Came from nothing. And made this empire.”
“What’s your interest in the girl,” I gestured with my blade to the blond woman.
“She’s a powerful telepath,” Matron smiled. “I could pry the secrets from politicians with her. Move from illicit drugs to blackmail; draws far less attention and far more money. How about this – you turn around and leave, I forgive you for killing a bunch of my employees.”
“You’re mistaken,” I growl. “This isn’t a negotiation. Your men, under your orders, attacked me – and by law, that is attempted murder of a Knight Judge and the sentence is, as it was for them, Death.”
“Then I slit the girl’s throat now,” Matron smiled.
“I don’t think so,” I smiled. “Ready Civilian?”
“Civilian?” Matron growled. “Who the –“
She doesn’t finish her sentence – and lets out a scream as Mouse slices a dagger I’d given him across the back of her ankle, severing her tendon. She releases her dagger and clasps her foot, allowing Kera to quickly scamper away.
I quickly raced to Matron, picked her up by the scruff of her tunic. “As I promised, your sentence is death.”
I threw her out the window and watched as she fell, screaming – her body pierced by a broken wooden beam on the ground.
I didn’t save Black Wagon.
Another gang or clan will swoop in and take over where Matron left off.
But Mouse.
I saved him.
Showed him how to stand up.
He can grow up and tell others to stand strong.
To stand for justice.
I took Kera back to Nymmurh, who thanked me, but didn’t reveal anything more about her, saying, “My promise to you was always to share information about our kind. As you can see, she’s human.” ... tcount=931
Originally Posted by yellowrocket View Post wrote:
I have a new request if you're still writing.
A low level cleric of waukeen. Neutral Evil. Emphasis on the neutral part. Just selfish. Willing to sacrifice others. But doesn't go out of their way to be evil. Just wants to gain power. Always cautious. Always places self preservation first but knows adventuring is the fastest way to power.
This was fun. I wanted to find a basis for his "evil, but not really always" - and it initially starts with a bit of racism (or ... longevityism? Is that a thing? LOL)
But as it goes on...
His quest for power becomes more clear...
And how he's a cleric of Waukeen, and why...
Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Would love to hear feedback, good or bad, as it keeps this thread bumped and alive!
I’m human.
Unlike the Elves and Dwarves that walk the streets around me, my time is limited. The Elves walk with an air of arrogance, believing they’re essentially immortal, while the Dwarves don’t show off their “immortality” or “longevity” I suppose is the better word – but you can see it in their eyes when the deal with people like me – humans, mortal.
We’re forced to move quickly through the world, to try and make a name for ourselves. This weird impulse that has been in the back of my head since I can remember has been a driving force in my life. I don’t know why it’s there – if some tragic event in my past made me realize my own mortality – just, as long as I can remember, I’ve felt it.
And it’s not this … fear of death. It’s this… desire to do something with my life. My father, not a perfect man by any stretch of the imagination, was a merchant and taught me the ways of Waukeen – and how she was to be respected and thanked for our good fortune as merchants. His compassion for his goddess was deeper and stronger than his love for his own wife – my mother.
Despite this, when my father died of natural causes, my own mother shut down. She was like a castle keep who slammed down their gates and welcomed no other visitors – not even her own children. But like a sealed city, she rotted from the inside, and soon died herself.
I ended up taking over the family business, with my two younger brothers and younger sister, helping me. When a small band of adventurers had entered the shop in hopes of trading some of their wares, I could see the weapons and armor, and artifacts that dangled from their bodies were like none I’d ever seen before. I made some foolish trades with them, exchanged what they needed for information about where they’d gotten these weapons and armor.
Adventuring, they’d explained with great pride.
Adventuring. That sounded dangerous.
But the reward.
I couldn’t get the glistening weapons and armor out of my head.
I told my younger brother, Molodshy, that I would be leaving to go on an adventure. And that I too would return home one day, rich like those who’d come into the shop.
I was right.
Not about returning to the shop, rich and famous – but that adventuring was dangerous.
I’d joined a small group that was doing an expedition into a buried temple. Things were going right – up until everything went terribly wrong. We’d made our way deep into the temple – a task, which even to me, seemed too easy – but my fellow adventurers; a human fighter, a Halfling rogue, an elf cleric and tiefling warlock seemed to believe it had nothing to do with luck, but rather skill.
To me, we were being led into a trap that was intentionally set so that escaping to the entrance would be further away.
I turned out to be right.
Boyets, the human fighter was the first to die – when he stepped on a cobble stone that sent two large stones crashing down on either side of him. There was literally nothing left of him, except the blood that pooled at the base of the rocks. I urged everyone to turn around, but they pressed on.
Zlodiy, the Halfling rogue perished next – when he went to open one of the stone doors – and it electrocuted him to the point that only his bones remained, and the entire room stunk of charred flesh. Once again, I urged them to turn around since he’d been the main guide – but they insisted.
Svyasha, our elf cleric – she perished next when the stone she stepped on simple crumbled into a bottomless pit. We heard her scream for over two minutes before we couldn’t hear her anymore. (A shame, really, because she was rather beautiful to look at – if you could get past her arrogant attitude).
When Dyyavola, the tiefling warlock triggered the rolling stone – and it was right behind us – I am not sure what came over me – but I slammed her into the wall so that she’d trip. The rock rolling over her slowed it down enough that I could make it around the corner and avoid it as it rolled on by. I looked down the hall, and saw that she’d been crushed.
I slowly made my way out of the temple and marched back to town empty handed.
Good to know, that even those with longevity can die just as easily as I can, I suppose.
But I am not looking forward to dying anytime soon.
I need to find more people. Get power.
At by any means necessary.
Even if it means the lives of my fellow adventurers.
It is, after all, for a greater cause.
My name is Zhovt A’raketa.
Quote Originally Posted by Samayu View Post wrote:
Hi Tawmis!
I'm working on a bugbear bard. He's not the sharpest hammer in the bag, but he he's very encouraging. He wants everyone to live to their fullest potential. That's why he left his tribe and bugbear society in general. I guess he wanted to help people, but had an epiphany and didn't see that happening. So he took the idea to its extreme, and went off to wider society to help a greater number of people and find people that he could help and would be accepting of his help. In true D&D bardic fashion, this help comes mostly in the form of encouragement via Bardic Inspiration dice - "you can do it!"
What do you think? Any ideas?
No rush on this one.
This was fun to do. Never really wrote the adventure from a monster like point of view - and I wanted to play that up.
While he's not smart, he's clearly smarter than the average bear... er, bugbear, as shown with the conversation with his brother.
I wanted to play up the complexity of the issue of being a bugbear too - and left that open at the end.
Oh and the songs are references to Bonnie Tyler songs, if you are even old enough to know who she is.
I'd love to hear whatever feedback you have - good or bad - about what I've written.
It bumps this thread, and keeps the thread alive.
“You ever think there’s more to this?” I asked asked in fluent goblin.
Balbh looked at his brother. “What could be better than waiting for stupid adventurers to pass below and spring on them and take their gold?”
You see, Balbh is my brother. We’re Bugbears who serve under our relentless chief, Airgead’fuil (whose name gets longer and longer the more treasure we acquired for him – the longer the name, in his eyes, was a status symbol. He was looking to have a longer name than the previous chief, Ainm’fada’do’dhaoine – his own brother who murdered during a trial of combat. I say murdered, because I am pretty sure he used poisons we’d found on a hapless gnome rogue we’d just captured to weaken him during dinner, before the big trial by combat).
My brother Balbh, picked some flees off the tip of his ears and ate them, and itched his belly, releasing a loud belching sound. “Why? What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “Seems like all we do is capture, kill, loot.”
“Yeah,” Balbh nodded, “that is all we do. It’s good.”
“I just feel like we could do more,” I shrugged.
Balbh looked at me sternly. “Did you get into Sugh’s Shrieker potions again?”
“No,” I grumbled, itching my shoulder and finding a tick. A quick squeeze between the fingers and it ruptured. “It just seems all we do is capture, kill, loot – and only Airgead gets the profits, while we sit here in this literal flea and tick ridden cave.”
I reached over and pulled out the lute that we’d gotten from the human bard who’d dropped it as they fled, and plucked the strings. “I came up with a song… Well, I heard the lady bard singing it, and my common isn’t great – but I think it goes something like this,” and I strummed the strings and sang, “Burn the ground, fire eyes! Every now and then I cast fireball! Burn the ground, fire eyes! Every now and then, I watch my enemies fall!”
Balbh looked at me – and there was a long moment of silence before he finally said, “That’s stupid. You can’t cast fireball. You’re not a wizard like Sugh.”
I heaved a deep sigh. “I don’t have to be able to do it. It’s a song. A story.”
“It’s a lie,” Balbh said, not getting the concept.
“Well, yes, technically a lie, sure,” I agreed, “but you’re missing the point brother.”
It’d become clear, after over three hours of trying to explain it to my brother, that he would never see what I was seeing – the idea of there being more out there – and that we’re more than savages and monsters as others saw us.
That night, I packed my scant few belongings, and took the lute and began my own adventure.
I’d been out in the woods for almost a week – and it wasn’t easy, being alone. I was used to being with my brother and the others, and I was beginning to actually miss them. I sat on the rock and strummed the lute, singing softly, “It’s a fool’s quest, trying to go out and be different than the rest, standing in the cold rain, as it comes down.”
That’s when I heard something. I sprang to my feet and quietly moved through the brush – and I saw several adventurers fighting an ankheg – a large insect creature! I jumped out, believing this was my moment and began singing, “I need a hero! I’m watching these heroes fight deep into the night, They look so strong, they move so fast, and they look larger than life!” I tried to inspire the heroes – but, as it turns out – after they’d defeated the ankheg – they saw me as a threat, believing I was there to ambush them and attacked me.
I barely escaped with my life.
Well, this wasn’t going to be as easy as I thought.
I guess me and my kind, have sort of made a bad reputation for our kind.