Been busy with people requesting character backgrounds! ... count=1033
GrimWaffle wrote:
So far your backstories look amazing! I have to admit, I also made an account just to reply to this thread. Would you be able to write just a short and quick backstory for my character?
Name: Otto Glittergear
Gender: Male
Race: Forest Gnome
Class: Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Age: 35
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Otto grew up in a small Gnomish forest village named Undercreek. He inherited his power from his ancestor who helped build some of the first Modrons. He is not only part of an adventuring group but also a Sorcerer's Guild, and he is paid to cast spells for people (like casting Lesser Restoration on a poisoned villager). He has a younger brother named Percy who lives in the same kingdom as him but in a different city. They visit each other (typically) once a year.
I only really need a short backstory, so it doesn't need to be essay-length.
You have a good short summary already!
But to really get a feel for your character - I had to step back further, to how you mentioned an ancestor working with a Modron.
I wanted to see how that came to be - and from there - built forward.
It became easy as I looked up Clockwork Soul Sorcerer (never played one, myself, so I had to check) - and the pieces feel into place.
Some fun notes - the mention of "Kwint Stormbellow" - and the saying - comes directly from the book that the Clockwork Sorcerer is in.

You ancestor being named "Bhaut" is a reference to your character's name. Otto + Bhaut. Autobot. Transformers.
Anyway! I had fun writing this - hope it's just the right length!
Would love to hear feedback in the thread as it helps keep it bumped and alive!
There are rumors – and rumors that the dwarves quickly dismiss – that the innate desire in so many gnomes comes from their direct relationship to Dwarves, who enjoy the forge. Dwarves are quick to explain that there is absolutely no relation between Dwarf and Gnome; though many would argue that both enjoy creating things, their stout size, and their pride in the work that they do.
Otto’s ancestor – too many generations to even remember now – supposedly worked on the Modrons. According to legend, Otto’s ancestor, Bhaut Glittergear was out with his best friend Kwint Stormbellow, who was also a gnome – but a rock gnome, when a malfunctioning Modron crashed near them from the sky. The two rushed over to see what had crashed – and discovered the malfunctioning Modron that was repeating the words, “Anarchy… Chaos… Urgent… Mission… Damage… Murder… Comet… Diagnose… Critical… Trajectory altered… Location… Unknown.” It repeated the same message over and over. The two friends looked at each other and without saying a word began to lift and carry the Modron towards their mutual tinkering shop that was at the base of the mountain.
“I swear,” Bhaut Glittergear growled. ““Every 289 years, the entire multiverse goes mad. Like clockwork.” (As a side note – his best friend Kwint laughed so much, he constantly repeated the phrase and became the one who is quoted as having originally said it).
Together, the two relentlessly worked on the Modron, until it suddenly reset – sat up, and said, “Running diagnotics… repairs… completed. Mission parameters can still be met.” Without so much as a thanks, the Modron quickly exited the shop and departed into the heavens.
Little did either Bhaut or Kwint realize, that the long hours that they’d spent working on the Modron, day in and day out, was infusing their body with magical energies that altered their very genetic being. Every couple of generations someone on each side of their family was born able to inexplicably channel magic effortlessly.
Growing up not far from where his ancestor had worked on the Modron; Otto grew up in Undercreek, a forested village, whose forest grew right up against the Undermountain, where the lab was. The lab, over the generations (and the ever-expanding story of Bhaut and Kwint working on a Modron) was now much larger, and home to many gnomish artificers who constructed various objects and created new potions (both of which, had the occasional explosive, but rarely lethal results).
In Undercreek, life was much simpler. When Otto first surfaced his magical abilities, his family wasn’t at all surprised. It’d been quite a long time since someone in the family exhibited magic; even his younger brother, who saw Otto develop magic had hoped he too would also be able to do what his brother had done. Unfortunately, Percy, like many others before him, was not born with magical abilities. While Percy moved to Undermountain to study to become an artificer, Otto remained in Undercreek for quite some time being employed by the developing Sorcerer’s Guild that answered to the needs of the people, providing services such as Lesser Restoration for the occasional gnome who consumed the questionable mushroom found around Blooming Lake (named for the numerous plants and vegetation that grew around the lake due to the amount of nutrients the lake provided, undoubtedly from the depths – which had not been fully explored – of the lake).
While Otto was content in Undercreek, being near his people, his brother, and feeling useful around the town, providing services and being a part of an ever-growing guild – there was still something else he longed for.
Deep inside, there was something gnawing away at him. Something beyond Undercreek or Undermountain. Something beyond the walls of the forest or even the mountains. There was an entire world out there to explore and see. And yes, there was dangers to also be considered – but something about it – called to him.
One night, while visiting Percy at Undermountain, Otto explained that it might be a while before he sees him again; and that he was going on “an adventure.” When Percy asked where, Otto shrugged his shoulders and simply said, “I am not sure to be honest. But look to the moon as it moves across the skies, like seconds on the clocks; and know I will be watching the same moon. We may be far apart, Percy, but we will always be watching the same moon.” ... count=1036
GrimWaffle wrote:
Are you able to write a backstory for the villains of my campaign? Here is a brief summary:
They're all Eladrin of different seasons. Their names are:
Spring: Berenus Bloom (male)
Summer: Erevan Blaze (male)
Autumn: Valoria Bluster (female)
Winter: Aurora Bitter (female)
They are all lawful evil and wish to conquer certain domains in the Feywild. For example, Berenus wants to conquer the Spring kingdom. When he does so, everything about spring is "amplified" - flowers and plants bloom and grow so much that the entire kingdom is overgrown and difficult terrain. If Valoria conquers the Autumn kingdom, the winds will become so strong that leaves constantly fly in your face, and giant pumpkins block the path.
They all want to conquer their kingdoms and then work together to overthrow the king who lives in the middle of each of the kingdoms (in a neutral city named Mossbottom).
Are you able to find a way of linking the four Eladrin with a backstory? Why do they want to overthrow the king, apart from just gaining power? For information, the king is a bullywug named King Clunk XIV.
So typically Eladrin can shift their forms to other seasons...
But this seemed as if each one was stuck in the season they represented.
So I wanted to figure out - "Why" are they stuck representing that particular season?
The Queen I selected - her race could be changed to be Elf, or whatever - I just picked what I did because of the magical indications of it.
Anyway, this was just a real quick... this one makes it too easy as to why they'd be plotting against the king...
I may come up with another one... but here's one for now!
There is no bond deeper than blood shared by family. Rarely, can such a bond be severed.
When King Lazrick learned that his wife, a well-respected and well-loved Dryad of the Evergreen Woods in the Feywild was finally pregnant, he could barely contain himself. He leapt about with joy, announced new holidays for the kingdom every other week, simply to celebrate the ever approaching day of his child. Several weeks into the pregnancy however, his wife, Krassila, complained that she was not feeling well and placed her hand on her stomach. Her body shivered with terrible coldness, her skin as cold as death itself; then, a moment later, searing hot. Her eyes would go from a deep green to deep orange colors uncontrollably.
When a Priestess of Life was called in to check on Queen Krassila, the Priestess was happy to report that it would seem that Krassila – who had been trying to get pregnant for years – was now going to give the King twins. This doubled the King’s joy! More holidays! More celebrations!
However, several months into the pregnancy, the symptoms returned and the Priestess of Life was called back. The Priestess, after examining Queen Krassila, had a look of deep concern – and King Lazrick leaned forward dreading the words that would spill from the Priestess’ lips. Instead, still in shock, her face pale, her eyes lost in the depths of endless questions, she turned to King Lazrick and said, her voice breaking, “I do not know how to say this… or how this is possible…”
“Go on! Go on!” the King urged. “Say it, Priestess! My heart is faint! I cannot take this waiting!”
“It’s not twins,” the Priestess finally said.
“What?” The King was shocked. “Is it triplets then?” He was ready to burst with excitement.
“I am afraid not, my King,” the Priestess said.
“Then what? What is this news that pales you so?” the King demanded.
“You will be having quadruplets,” the Priestess whispered.
The King was overjoyed until he saw the Priestess’ face. He paused and looked at her. “Why do you remain pale, Priestess?”
“I believe it’s the children who make her ill, my King,” the Priestess said. “It’s as if a storm rages within her belly, my lord.”
“What would you have me do? Destroy my own children?” the King asked appalled.
“Of course not,” the Priestess bowed. “I know that your life is long, as an Elf, and that you have longed for your lovely wife to bare you a child. I merely worry for her own health, my lord.”
“Your Queen, the incredible Krassila, is far stronger than the greatest warrior in the feywild,” King Lazrick growled.
And so, Queen Krassila gave birth to four children; born within moments of one another. First was the boy Berenus, whom King Lazrick held in his hands and thought how this boy would one day sit on his throne; next was Erevan – another boy! The King rejoiced! The brothers would keep one another company! Next was the girl Valoria, she was beautiful – and Krassila would love her deeply! The last and final child was Aurora, another daughter! How wonderful, thought the King! The two boys, the eldest, will one day rule my Kingdom! I shall teach them to be gentlemen and wonderful rulers! And Queen Krassila will have her two daughters whom she could teach to be proper ladies of the Realm!
In their youth, the children were loved by the Realm. Everyone rejoiced at the opportunity to see them and speak with them – but as the children reached their teenage years, something became very clear. Initially most had thought that perhaps the inherent powers of Krassila being a dryad had been why these children were seeing as being sometimes emotional.
Berenus seemed optimistic and hopeful; often said to be the most stable. But Erevan was not so calm; his blood ran hot all the time, believing he deserved to be the heir to the throne and that his “elder” brother was only an elder by mere seconds. Valoria almost seemed to be down; though she never cried, but when she walked through gardens, rose petals often fell and the leaves would turn orange, like the color of her eyes and begin to fall. Aurora was the one many feared; her heart seemed cold and rigid as she grew older, caring little for others around her. Even her breath emanated mist as if she stood in some artic region.
It became clear, as the four children left their teen years behind them and grew that something that had been long forgotten had come to the surface. Though King Lazrick looked to be a normal High Elf, who called the Feywild his home, like many other High Elves – in truth, he was an Eladrin. But he had learned to control his shifting seasons and had able to manifest himself to appear, simply as a High Elf – and he’d done so for so long, that it wasn’t until his children exhibited these Eladrin traits that the people remembered. There was no shame in being an Eladrin – they were simply elves who were shaped by the endless magics of the Feywild, having been infused with the boundless wild magic that ran rampant in the Feywild, so much so that it had genetically changed them to represent the four seasons of the world.
However, an interesting development had come because King Lazrick had fallen in love with a Dryad, perhaps the mixture created something unique – each of his children represented one season specifically. It became clear this is why the Priestess had warned it were as if the Queen had a storm within her belly when she was pregnant…
Berenus represented spring; as he grew older, leaves grew around him, life seemed to bloom all about. Erevan, with his envy and fury, ran hot all the time; his flesh the color of the burning sun, emanating heat all around him. Valoria was Autum, as the leaves and nature around her because to fall and change to match the colors of her orange eyes. Aurora, the most callous of them, was frigid like the North Winds of Frosthaven, and she represented Winter.
While normally the Eladrin purebloods could shift to represent the seasons of their mood; King Lazrick’s children were stuck in the Seasons for which they represented. At first this seemed fine, but as the magic of the Feywild coursed through the children; magic that ran so rampant and in uncontrolled doses, so did it impact the moods that each of them represented. Berenus found that his father was lacking in taking care of the land that his people farmed from. Erevan simply wanted to be the first son, so he plotted at times to kill his own sibling; but Berenus assured him he had no interest in the throne. Valoria was the epitome of self-loathing and she grew to despise her father. Aurora, her heart as cold as the whitest winter, cared for no one.
Madness crept into the veins and minds of King Lazrick’s children.
Soon, each plotted against him. Berenus wanted to reclaim the land and promised Erevan the throne, should he help dethrone their father. Aurora agreed to this plan, though she had planned to immediately dispose of her own brother – which ever one – who dared take the throne from her, and Valoria, not wanting to be excluded from this event with her siblings whom she was bound to, also agreed.
And so madness was born, and so too, was a plot formed to over throw the king… to over throw their father. ... count=1038
sun_flotter wrote:
First thing first: hello!
I've been reading through your thread for a while now, and your stories are amazing (I haven't read everything yet but so far each and every story was a masterclass)! I absolutely love your pacing and how, despite the number of stories you wrote, they all feel unique and they still leave room for players' creativity, it's remarkable.
I was wondering if you could come up with a backstory for my centaur druid, as I'm not really a creative person (I think her name is indication enough of that)
Name: Hippogyne [shedoesn'thavealastnameyet]
Race: Centaur
Class: Moon Druid
Age: 26
Personality traits:
If someone is in trouble, I'm always willing to lend help
I often get lost in my own thoughts and contemplations, becoming oblivious to my surroundings
Honor. If I dishonor myself, I dishonor my whole clan
I would do anything for the other members of my old troupe
I overlook obvious solutions in favor of complicated ones
Additional information:
She has a frontal, unicorn like, horn. It doesn't do anything and she's too tall to make any use of it. It hasn't been decided yet if her whole clan has a horn or if it's just her (it's up to you if you decide to make use of that information)
She's very close to her mother, Agape
Centaurs are non-monogamous so most members of her clan were her step-siblings
There's very little fully established things about her story, but I know that she wants to prove herself despite her shy and polite nature and that her dad calls her "his little filly" despite her being an adult, and that's pretty much it!
Hah! This was fun to write!
Having an open ended thing to write left it wide open...
And I tried to cover why you have some of the traits, bonds, flaws you mentioned above in the story...
I did end up playing the relationship between your character and your father, more than your relationship with your mother...
But the father bit near the end could be swapped out as the mother (just need to change the nick name calling)... but to me the father fit more here.
Some of the things that I mention I figured I'd link...
Image that Inspired the Father “Shadow” - ... 9393fa.jpg
Image that inspired the Mother “Agape” (except with white hair instead) -
https://about-mythical-creatures.weebly ... 7_orig.jpg
The Forest Walker (Skerrit) -
Titanite - ... kistan.jpg
Anyway, as always, would love feedback. Good, bad, whatever you have!
What worked?
What didn't work?
What did you like?
What did you dislike?
Love feedback! Keeps the thread bumped and alive!
There is a saying among humans; that there is no bond stronger than the blood that is shared by family. Perhaps our own human like trait borrowed from such a saying, because as Centaurs, the tribe I come from was non-monogamous, and so each of us was family to one another, which created an incredible bond between us. No one would seek to do harm or betray the other, because in order to do so, you were in fact, betraying your own family.
My name is Hippogyne, and among the Centaurs, I was still quite young, only twenty-six cycles passing. My mother was an elegant centaur; her upper torso was a beautiful shaped woman who wore a leather tunic. Her hair was as white as the snowcapped mountains, but it wasn’t due to age – it was merely the color of hair she’d been born with. That same color came in the form of her long, elegant tail as well. Her eyes were piercing blue and to lock gaze with her was like staring at the heart of winter if she was angry with you; otherwise, it was like gazing into the most refreshing lake. She was primarily a gatherer for the tribe, gathering herbs, berries and fruits for the tribe’s survival, but she was also one of the best with a bow and arrow; most said she was a better hunter than those who’d been designated as part of the hunting side. Her name was Agape, and I was very close to my mother.
My father was named Shadow, named after his dark black hair that he wore long, untied and unkempt. He also had a beard that helped cloak most of his face beneath the darkness of his long hair or black beard. He was one of the Hunters – and he was exceptionally well at it. (Though many would tease him that clearly his time with Agape had taught him how to hunt). My father was wonderful and enjoyed my mother quite a bit, as he often came around to check on her and me, though he had no true obligation as he had many other mates and children in the tribe.
When I reached the age of sixteen cycles, I developed an intense migraine – and my mother was there to comfort me and tell me that it was fine. It was a symbol of power. She pointed out that others in the tribe, who had antlers or horns – and explained that this means, magic runs in my veins and that those blessed with the horns and antlers were touched by the Forest Walker (some called him Skerrit). Magic was an intense headache for another two years, as a single unicorn-like horn eventually developed. Shortly after it had grown to its full length, the migraine subsided. True to my mother’s word, I could soon feel the energies of unseen magic flowing around me, like another layer of air blowing in the wind.
By the time eighteen cycles had passed I was brought to the Circle of the Stone Forest. In truth, it wasn’t even a forest unto itself – rather it was five large stones, standing each ten feet in height, made up of titanite – and the Arch Druid, another Centaur by the name of Evergreen, claimed that The Forest Walker himself placed these gems here as a symbol of life. In low light, they were the pale green of the woods, but when the light struck them just right, they flared orange, yellow and red, the symbol of the sun blessing the woods with the life giving energies.
Within the Circle of the Stone Forest, when we gathered – energy would connect from stone to stone, forming a protective circle around those inside. It was my time with the Druids that I learned that the Druids were the designated protectors of the Woods. The tribe had the gathers, such as my mother, Agape; they had the hunters, such as my father, Shadow; but it was the Druids who called upon the Moon’s light, and the night’s Darkness, to grant them the powers to protect the woods from those who would seek to harm it, or the people within it.
I’d been twenty cycles and out on my own, patrolling the borders of the woods. The sounds of combat caught my attention and I stepped closer to the edge of the woods. I watched as a human woman with fierce red hair, like a beautiful burning fire, singlehandedly fought off three very large, muscular bugbears. She looked to be in trouble, but she also seemed to be quite capable.
“Do not encourage attention to the woods,” my father always said. “Kindness to strangers will only welcome betrayal to the heart.”
I continued to watch as this brave woman fought off the bugbears. She was capable, but she was clearly beginning to show signs of exhaustion.
“Protect the woods,” Evergreen had said. “Keep the dangers out, and those that come in, destroy them if they refuse to leave.”
I grimaced and charged forward – revealing myself, which startled the bugbears who saw me emerge from the woods – I quickly cast Entangle, entrapping the bugbears. The woman, whose back had been turned to me, looked over her shoulder, equally as shocked to see me as the bugbears had been. “Run,” I shouted. “I will hold them.” Thankfully, bugbears relied on melee weapons. The woman quickly fled into the woods, running by me, breathing heavily, thanking me. Not in the woods. Not in the woods. I wanted to scream.
I chased after the woman into the woods, forgetting the bugbears behind me now. Catching up to her quickly I frankly said, “You need to get out of the woods. I didn’t mean for you to run in here. Just away from the bugbears.”
“I just need a moment to breath,” the woman heaved deeply. “Then I will exit your woods. I know the bugbears won’t come in here. They know your kind protects these woods.”
“You are the root, the tribe is the tree,” my mother would say. “To damage the root, you damage the tree. Do what you can to feed the tree. Acts against such a thing will bring dishonor.”
“Well, hello little filly,” a male voice said from the shadows. “Who is your friend here?”
Only one person ever called me that – I turned my head and felt my cheeks burn as bright as the human woman’s hair. “Father! What are you doing here?”
“Thought I heard you,” he admitted, his bow still pulled, an arrow knocked. “Your sweet voice, child of mine, is like a songbird to my ears.” He gestured to the human woman. “Who is she?”
“My name is Amberose,” the woman said. “I meant no harm. Your daughter rushed out to help me against bugbears.”
“Rushed out, you say,” my father’s gaze drifted towards me. My cheeks burned even brighter.
“She showed courage and honor to help a stranger,” Amberose explained.
“How kind of her,” my father’s words were dripping with the sweet nectar of sarcasm. “I am glad that you are alive and well, Amberose. But I am going to have to politely ask you to turn and leave now.” Amberose turned her head, and she could see through the thicket that the bugbears had broken free of the entangle spell, but were pacing a small distance away from the forest’s edge waiting for her to come running back out. The longer she remained inside, the closer they edge, believing that perhaps the forest wasn’t so guarded.
“Father,” I pleaded. “You should have seen her – she was fighting all three of those beasts. If you send her out now, tired as she is, she will not last much longer. Show mercy.”
“Mercy,” Shadow growled the words. “This is why…” My father began, but cut off his words. He rode to the edge of the forest, and within seconds – four arrows flew, and struck their marks – two in the larger bugbear, one for the other two – each piercing the eyes of the bugbears who slumped to the ground dead. He turned his head towards the human, “Now, Lady Amberose, your path is clear. I’d like to ask you to leave again.”
My mouth was wide open, Amberose turned to my father and thanked him, than to me and thanked me as well, before sheathing her sword and making her way back out of the woods.
“This, little tilly,” my father continued his sentence he’d originally stopped. “This is why we don’t help the outsiders. They invite trouble. Those bugbears were edging closer while you were sheltering her. We have taken centuries defending these woods and creating a mystique about the woods where others believe these woods are haunted or protected by demented fey.”
I bowed my head. “I am sorry, father. I was careless. It’s just… she looked incredible fighting… but those bugbears… they were cheating… two would attack, and allow one to rest, then when he was rested enough, he’d leap in and another would back off… you should have seen her… she was incredible.”
My father heaved a deep sigh. “I told your mother there was something about you. Something different. Something special,” he approached me and tapped the unicorn like horn on my forehead, “and I don’t just mean this. There was a deeper love for things than I’d seen. You care for the world the way most of our tribe simply care for one another.”
“I know,” I sighed. “I can change. I can fix myself.”
My father laughed, and pat me on the head, the way he did when I was a child, “Little filly, you are not broken. You do not need to be fixed. Perhaps it is the tribe who needs to be fixed, and see through your eyes.” He placed his arm around me. “We’ve locked ourselves away for so long behind this forest wall, that we have blinded ourselves to the world outside. Perhaps it’s time that changes. Your mother is going to kill me for this… but, by the gods, while I don’t want that to be you… I believe you are just the right person to do just that.” ... count=1042
animorte wrote:
I love your work and have requested it before. I'm a satisfied, returning customer. Here is another request...
I have a Forest Gnome Rogue: Arcane Trickster. Her names is Brunhilda. She is a well-respected, high ranking, albeit retired, military official.
Brunhilda: Hero Forge
Roland: Hero Forge
Her husband (Roland is a Gnome Druid) is not yet retired and not quite as high ranking, but he is also highly regarded. They have two children, a boy and a girl. Both are grown and have chosen to follow their parents' example and dedicate to a life of military, both are established and successful. All of them still gather together for the holidays/birthdays and communicate whenever possible amidst travels. Might even become a grandparent in the near future. She has never been aggressive, but she will certainly stand up for herself (or family) without hesitation.
Now, to my request:
Based on this information, I would like your legendary perspective on her motivation throughout the past. Why did she join the military? How did she meet her husband? When did she acquire her knowledge training as an Arcane Trickster? How was that class implemented through her career in the military? What was it like raising a family while actively serving a greater purpose? What ultimately (if not just decades of dedication) brought about such renown? Why did she decide upon adventure after retiring?
I know I've provided a fair amount of detail, but I was hoping you could fill in some blanks on her motivation and events for me? I hope it's not too much detail to ask. Also, have fun with it!
Hah - I took this one for a different kind of spin. Wrote it from her perspective - but also injected so much personality (as she 'talks to herself') in the telling of this story.
She has a ton of inner dialogue with herself that just began coming out as I wrote this...
Definitely influenced by the incredible (I laughed so much!) Hero Forge image you have of her.
That spunk and fun was everywhere in that image and it poured itself right into this story.
I think I hit all the beats you wanted!
I would love some feedback on this one because it's quite different!
It’s funny when your life is on the line how quickly you can make some life changing decisions.
My name is Brunhilda – and don’t be fooled by my size. Just because I am a gnome doesn’t mean when the floor drops beneath my feet my neck won’t snap. Now, one might ask how I ended up here? Is it some evil king who hangs people for the spectacle of it all?
No, just the opposite of that, really. King Jaros is well loved. Quite loved, as a matter of fact. That’s pretty much how I ended up here.
You see, all my life, I’ve been what some would call a thief. (I, personally, prefer the “Rogue” - it doesn’t sound as bad). I am often hired to try and… acquire things for high paying individuals. Sometimes someone will challenge me to try and acquire something. Sometimes, something catches my eye and I try to acquire it. (I don’t like to say stealing… because that makes me sound like a thief!)
Well something that had caught my eye was the Heart Gem – a gift given by the Elves of Emerald Wood. The forest was named Emerald Wood, because, as you might guess – the forests were lush and green, no matter the season. However, in the very heart of the forest was an ancient treant named Thousand Oaks, and from time to time, he would pull from the depths of his roots the most beautiful of gems that were buried far beneath the ground. There’s a story - I am not entirely sure I believe it – that Thousand Oak is the oldest tree in all of the world, planted by the Elven Goddess herself, and that his roots reach throughout the world and spring forth in the form of all the forests in all the lands.
Like I said, I am not sure I believe all of that – but, there’s no denying that Thousand Oaks exists – I’ve seen him (I think it’s a him? Do Treants have gender? I am not sure. He, it, has a very deep voice, so I have always called Thousand Oak a “him.” Maybe “it” is the proper pronoun? That seems insensitive. I think I will stick with “him”).
I am getting off track – at any rate, Thousand Oak gave the Elf King a red gem that, from the ground itself, looked to already be in the shape of a heart. The Elf King, in turn, gave this to King Jaros, because King Jaros had marched his own army against the goblin threat that had made its way towards the Emerald Forest. The war against the goblins had lasted four years and the Elf King wanted to show his appreciation and explained, “The heart of my people are forever in your debt, King Jaros, and so I give you this precious gem.”
King Jaros had inlaid that gem into the front of his crown, to honor the Elf King, so that all could gaze upon it. So it’s kind of his fault – flaunting the gem the way he did, that it caught my eye.
Well, one thing I hadn’t taken into account (mostly because I hadn’t heard) is that the Elf King had also given King Jaros a blink dog as a gift. I’d seen the dog – laying outside of King Jaros’ door, in the hallway, door was closed. So when I snuck in through the window, directly into King Jaros’ room – I was certain it would be fine. However, the Blink Dog had picked up my scent and blinked into the room and began barking, which awoke King Jaros, with my hand on the crown, trying to pry the gem loose – and when I bolted for the window, realizing everything was going sideways – the blink dog teleported in front of the window and growled at me – and before I knew it, six of the King’s Guards were on top of me and I was arrested.
Now, despite me explaining I was just intending to steal the Heart Gem, there was no denying I was right next to the King’s bed, dagger in hand, so they thought I was there to assassinate the King. (I can see how there might have been some confusion… being called a “thief” I can tolerate… but an assassin? Look at me! Do I look like an assassin? Well, I suppose most assassins don’t look like assassins or else they wouldn’t be good assassins… OK, I can see how they might come to the conclusion I was there to assassinate the king).
So we come to my hanging – the noose around my neck, the lever about to be pulled – and that’s when destiny would intervene and I would him – another gnome, magic-type by the looks of what he was wearing (muted browns and greens – druid is my guess). His name is Roland.
Roland turned to King Jaros, “My lord, perhaps there is use of her unique skills.”
King Jaros turned to face Roland, “What do you mean?”
“The goblin army,” Roland explained. “While they’ve been defeated and retreated away from the Emerald Forest, there is still a very large presence of goblins located in the Asheron Mountains. Someone as skilled as this one,” Roland gestured towards me with a nod of his head, “if we can get her to agree to scout the caves – perhaps get the rough number of remaining goblins, or perhaps to uncover what their next move is…”
“She’s a thief,” King Jaros shook his head.
“I prefer ‘Rogue’, my liege,” I shouted back, realizing perhaps that wasn’t the best time to intervene what I preferred to be called. I saw Roland chuckle, however.
King Jaros looked from me to Roland and back to me. “How do we know that she wouldn’t just run off the moment we take her down from the galley?”
“We can get Dazirw to cast a spell on her that would allow him to always scry wherever she goes and she knows you have infinite resources and are loved by all. If she ran there’s nowhere she could go where we couldn’t send someone to find her,” Roland explained.
King Jaros paused and shouted, “Would you agree to these terms?”
Listen, I don’t like being anyone’s lap dog – I’m looking at you, Blink Dog, sitting happily next to King Jaros – but I’d rather do that than have my neck snapped. “I agree! Happily, my liege!”
“So be it, remove the noose and bring her forth,” King Jaros demanded.
The following day, Dazirw came to the cell I was in and cast some kind of rune around my wrist and showed how – no matter where I went, just as they had said, he could see me. (I felt this was a violation of some privacy – there were private times I would need and knowing that some Human wizard could see me was a little unnerving). However, as I said – better than getting my neck snapped.
I made my way to Asheron Mountain and made my way inside the goblin infested caves and allowed myself to get captured. I explained to the goblins (by the way, they’re a filthy lot – and I am now debating if maybe the neck snap might have been the better choice here) that I had information on King Jaros and his kingdom – having recently escaped – and if the goblins wanted revenge, I could help make it happen. They were thrilled with this idea. I knew Dazirw would be scrying me so I used that to my advantage. I explained, exactly where I would lead the goblins to be able to get inside the fortress of King Jaros. Within three days, the goblins marched, in full force to the location – which, as I anticipated, Dazirw had informed King Jaros of what I’d said.
I wasn’t betraying King Jaros. Just the opposite. I had led the goblins into an ambush where King Jaros’ military force managed to kill and capture the majority of the goblins who had survived the previous war. I saw Roland there, as a part of King Jaros’ forces and watched, with admiration, how he used his druidic powers to help ensnare the goblins and prevent them from retreating. After that, King Jaros had invited me to dinner to celebrate my victory – and it was there, he gave me a full pardon. What came next was a surprise – he offered me a position in his military and said, Roland had recommended it. Honest work? For a King? Doing what I love? It’d be different.
I accepted the position.
Roland and I grew closer and closer as the days and weeks went on, eventually developing a relationship and being wed. The amount of people who showed up was astonishing – because King Jaros himself had made it a massive spectacle. I met royalty from the Dwarven and Elven Kingdoms. (I assure you, despite some very fine jewels; I kept my hands in my pockets and didn’t acquire anything).
I became King Jaros’ favorite spy and rapidly rose through the ranks of his military force. Roland and I grew closer and closer and he began showing me how even I could learn to weave the ways of magic to help benefit my own skills as the King’s spy.
After years of service to King Jaros, Roland and I had a child; a beautiful son. That’s when King Jaros told me my days as his spy were over, and that I was to focus on being a mother and the High Advisor to the agency of spies he had. This allowed me to focus on being a mother and keeping my position with the King’s military. It was just a year later, I gave birth to a daughter.
As the years rolled by, both son and daughter followed in our footsteps. They joined King Jaros’ military and were well loved by both Roland and I, but by King Jaros as well. In all my life, prior to the day I was almost hung, I’d never truly known love. That’s why I became a Rogue – I knew I was acquiring things back then because my life had been devoid of love and I wanted these things around me to make me feel loved.
Now I had two children, an incredible husband, and a King who sincerely loved me and my family.