... st25794228
I noticed you mentioned a German word; and also the spelling (colour) which seemed European - so I am not sure if you yourself are German...MercCpt wrote:Hello me again! Would love for another character backstory assist! This one is less bare but I have lots of flavor to add. Thank you for what you do ahead of time.
Name: Earnest Yahweh - Aasimar (Protector) pounce it ernst - Origin: German. Meaning: Serious business; Battle to the death
Class: Death cleric - one level in Warlock hexblade
Background: Far Traveler
Worships a god of death (Leave name blank if possible) - I assume this is Azmo, based on the additional information provided.
Human mother
Celestial being as a father has black wings (Humanoid)
Characteristics -
I honor my deities through practices that are foreign to this land.
I have much to learn from the kind people I meet along my way.
The gods of my people are a comfort to me so far away from home.
N/A aka haven't found a good one or thought of something that fits
When earnest uses Radiant Soul golden wings appear with small square like veins that are faint and empty however when he uses his cleric ability death touch the veins fill up with the color black looks like necrotic energy they slowly fill up (higher the level the more it fills up)
Has a complete innocent look about him almost pure looking, blond hair blue eyes think to complete opposite to a super edgy scene teen.
But his eyes are hollow he is around death so much he sort of became numb to it no matter who it is that dies
Earnest believes death is sacred and if it is someone's time or if they want to die it should be as natural as possible or however they want to go.
Any undead or things of similar nature is heresy to him and sees them as things needed to be "fixed" or to let them pass on by the only way he knows how killing it.
God -Azmo - death god who was split into two one is a demon king
Mother -Priest of the gave
Father- Gravekeeper (Angel)
Born - Tumblegulch:
A prison city for the Empire of Hydein. The city houses much of the empires most brutal criminals
Earnest would always pray to Azmo for guidance and strength his prayers were answered but the wrong Azmo when he was lead towards a lake near Tumblegulch and told to swim into it where upon doing so he got midway and felt something pull him underneath almost drowning until a bony hand dragged him outside of the water saving him from near death, where upon said being cladded in blue flames handed Earnest a small piece of white metal fragment which changes into a sword (cursed) and told him that it would protect him from the dangers to come. The demon king Azmo provided Earnest with the cursed sword and when Earnest accidently killed a humanoid it turned them into a zombie, now Earnest wants is unite Azmo to see if he can be rid of the cursed sword so he searches for humans since they are the only race with the technology to do this.
But I named the dog in this story (you will see why) Treu - which according to Google Translate means "Faithful."
So it's not a misspelling of the word "True" - it's actually "Treu"

The whole segment with Treu was written listening to "For The Love Of A Princess" from Braveheart to really set the mood for that whole scene. (I love this soundtrack!)
You can listen to it here if you're not familiar with the song:
Anyway - kept everything pretty much exactly as you asked - only changed the scene where you handed white metal to...
Well, you will see. You can change that scene to be white metal if you want (you can change or disregard anything really!)

Would love to hear your thoughts on this - helps me as I write this what you liked or didn't like - and also bumps the thread and keeps it alive.
As always - enjoy!
I can recall the memory so vividly.
I was five years old and had a dog, named Treu, who was four years old and was sixty pounds of pure muscle and dexterity. His tan coat had what was known as a black saddle; in that his fur on his back was black and in the shape of said saddle. His face was grey, with a black mask that made him appear as if he were a bandit.
We’d been playing at the edge of the village, where I’d grown up, just as we had always done. Treu was a shepherd for our family’s sheep; but he was so good at what he did, that he would herd them to where they needed to go and still have energy to burn; so it just became something we did to help Treu burn off the excess energy he was born with.
I’d been throwing a stick as far as I could and Treu would either run fast enough to catch it before it even hit the ground and bring it back to me, or patiently wait for it to land before going after it. The latter, I am sure he was doing to make me feel better. However, on this particular day – I threw the stick and Treu was running after it – when he suddenly paused and looked to the shrubbery, where tall trees and bushes grew, just near the edge of the mountain. I knew Treu’s sense of smell and hearing was superior to my own – but I never heard or smelt anything. Not at first. But then there was an odor – a strong odor that reeked of rotten meat. Treu’s hackles went up and he began growling at the bushes. I tried to grab Treu by his mane to pull him back – but he would not step away.
At that moment, a towering, horrifying visage broke through the brush. Its skin was a dark green, covered in welts. Its claws were darker than midnight, as was its hair – and its eyes were like soulless pits of despair. The lanky, large figure lunged for me – but Treu jumped in the way – grabbing the towering creature by the throat and would not let go – despite this humanoid using its claws to repeatedly rip into Treu’s side. I fled, screaming for my mother and father, unable to watch in horror as Treu was being ripped apart, but never letting go of the creature’s throat.
By the time I reached my mother and father and raced back, Treu was lying on his side, blood everywhere and the beast that attacked was long gone. I heard Treu whine and I rushed to his side. I put Treu’s head in my lap as his tongue laid to the side; he looked up at me as if to ask, “I did good, didn’t I? I saved you.” I could not stop crying.
My mother placed her hand on my shoulder, and kneeled down. “Treu saved your life, my son. It’s time to let him go to Azmo’s embrace.” My father, seeing this extended his black wings and took to the air in search of what had attacked Treu.
“I can’t let him go,” I cried out, slapping my mother’s hand away. “He is dying because he tried to save me. He knew if we’d both run, the monster would have taken me. He’s dying because of me! I refuse to let him go to Azmo’s side! I want him at my side!” And suddenly, my hands began to glow as I held Treu, rocking him back and forth, and my mother watched in awe as Treu’s wounds began to heal. I was surprised when I felt Treu’s tongue lick my face, and I stared town, through a bleary vision of tears to see Treu’s wound had healed. I looked to my mother, not understanding.
“You have been born with a gift it would seem,” she said faintly.
My father returned a few moments later. “It was a troll. Looks like it came down the mountain. Food has been scarce for those beasts. Looks like Treu did a good job ripping it apart; but they have an uncanny healing ability. This troll however, will not rise again. I have separated its head and burn it and its body.” He looked down to see Treu was now standing and looked to his wife, questioningly. She gestured towards me, and this puzzled my father even further.
From that day forward, I learned that I had the ability to heal; however, I took notice that Treu wasn’t the same. His energy wasn’t there anymore. He laid around much more and his herding of the sheep seemed to be done with less emphasis.
I asked my mother what was wrong with him; and she explained, “Treu was ready to go to Azmo’s side; he’d willingly sacrificed his life for you. He was good with the death he had been given. You brought him back from that, and took him from the honorable death he’d earned.”
“But I wanted him to stay with me longer, I felt guilty, and I love him so,” I confessed.
Treu went on to live to the age of sixteen where he died of old age; he was never the same again.
Over the years I began to accept death for what it was. It was never truly an ending; it was simply the door to the next stage. My mother taught me in the ways, as she was a Priestess of the Grave, celebrating those who passed on to the next; speaking on behalf of those who moved on. My hands had been given the ability to heal – this was in part due to my father’s bloodline living in my veins – but I needed to understand the difference of when to heal and when it was time to let someone slip to the other side.
My mother would take me to hospices where I saw those who were dying with incurable diseases, or had been badly or mortally wounded during the war. My mother showed me the art of gazing at someone’s soul. The soul was an energy that flowed around the body, invisible to the untrained eye; but with Azmo’s Blessing, I could see it. I could see those who were ready to truly pass on and those who still had more to give in the living world. I watched old couples die together, minutes or days apart. I watched, tragically, even as children died.
Eventually, my work would take me to a prison city for the Empire of Hydein. This prison housed some of the most brutal criminals who committed heinous crimes. As I gazed at the soul of most of these inmates, I saw anger and hatred in the energies of their soul. Insanity reigned supreme here and there was a lack for any form of humanity left in these people.
When I heard of some of the crimes these prisoners had done it took everything in my heart and soul not to end their lives at my own hands and banish their souls to the very depths of Hell, rather than send them to Azmo. I wanted to be the judge and executioner of their souls and not leave that to Azmo to do.
This took so much out of me, I felt like Treu after I’d healed him so many years ago. I felt drained and the energy gone from the depths of my being. I turned to Azmo and asked for guidance; how was I to have the strength and faith to allow these horrible souls to his side? Why couldn’t I banish them to Hell? They deserved no less, clearly.
However, I was given a vision of a lake near Tumblegulch and told to swim into the lake and be cleansed of the sins of my mind. However, when I ventured to the lake the following morning, following the will of my god, as I entered the frigid waters – I could feel my body react. The lake’s waters felt like the touch of death itself – and I understood – this is why I was brought here. To understand, to feel the touch of death – but as I swam towards the center – something pulled me underwater before I could get my breath.
Deeper and deeper into the cold, deeper and deeper into the dark, I could feel my lungs burning – when suddenly a bony hand pulled me out and to the shore. Coughing, I looked up and saw a being clad in blue flames. It seemed to stare down at me – and somehow I felt something was amiss. Then it reached to its hilt – and I thought I was going to die as it drew its sword. I was about to be punished by Azmo himself. However, it drew the sword and extended the hilt to me.
In a deep voice it growled, “This will protect you from the things to come.”
I was blessed by the gift of a magical blade from Azmo himself. He had rewarded me for my strength and faith. I had not fallen away as I feared I was doing.
It was six weeks later, when I got in an altercation with one of the prisoners, and instinctively reached for my blade – and ran him through. I stared at the prisoner as he died in front of me. The guards of the prison had seen what happened and rushed to my side to help me out of the cell. However, a moment later, the dead prisoner rose again – but his eyes were vacant and I couldn’t see his soul. He’d been turned into a zombie. I stared at the blade in horror. The guards however, believed that the prisoner was diseased and that’s why he’d turned into a zombie.
I spent weeks researching the blade; and discovered an ancient parchment that spoke of Azmo – and how he was once one being – that during some event – was split in two – and now there was a Celestial side and a Demonic side to Azmo – and both fought for control.
I realized that I’d been led to the lake by the Demon side of Azmo – and this blade was not a gift – but a curse to bring ruin to the world.
I needed to find a way to unite Azmo so that the Celestial Side would reign supreme again – and perhaps then be free of this cursed blade.