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Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:54 pm
by mendosa
On April 28th a special press conference will be held at Oxford in the UK, regarding awaited by fans adventure game "Gray Matter". The meeting was originally intended only for the media in France and Germany, but thanks to the CD Project, as well as to Mr. Claas Voltaire from DTP Entertainment - Adventure Zone representative Evillady will also appear at the conference. With undisguised pride we stress that our current editor will be the only person from the Polish media present there.

The conference itself will feature new material from "Gray Matter", and the first demonstration of the game on Xbox 360. There will also be the most important person responsible for this adventure game, that is, Mrs. Jane Jensen, who will give an interview and will answer any questions that bother us. Of course you will be able to read all the materials from the conference at Adventure Zone, and the transcript from an interview with the above mentioned Mrs. also. Coming soon!
That is my translation of the whole news from AZ.

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:57 pm
by Jules
Well look who’s adventuring out into foreign lands of the interwebs. ;) Glad to see you here, Simo, and welcome! :)

I don’t know but that *would* be awesome if it were open to the public! I bet it will be either press or a select few. If not, I hope there will be an English-speaking commentator to give us a full report… with maybe a teeny weenie screenshot at least! (even though we’ve seen them all already :twisted: )

Thanks for the translation, mendosa. I’m interested to see what the Xbox version looks like, and more importantly, the new material that they mention!

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:30 pm
by Simo Sakari Aaltonen
Thought it would be press only, but it never hurts to hope...

(Thanks, Andrea and Jules! I guess I have been awfully unadventurous about where I post. Not anymore, I'm living dangerously from now on! :o)

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:35 pm
by mendosa
If anybody is interested in "source" - "I can push this button", and you will have it here, in English. At this moment I personally am in opposition to AZ and GOG - because they break the rules (and that's what made my country sick in XXVIII century), but there's no problem - one smile, one word (sometimes I think I should be born in China).

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:07 pm
by Collector
Welcome to SHP, Simo!

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:48 am
by Simo Sakari Aaltonen
Hey, Collector, and thanks!

I honestly have no idea what took me so long. This looks and feels like a great place, but I guess I was burned out for some time on seeking new online haunts after we did that big Vivendi GK forum archival project.

Only now emerging from that period of relative seclusion... I even signed up on Facebook.

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 1:23 am
by mendosa
Here we go again - a report on Game Boomers.

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 10:23 am
by Simo Sakari Aaltonen
Nice! Thanks for the link. Interesting to hear some of what went on. It sounded like Jane was originally going to be personally present rather than answering questions via conferencing. I wonder if this was due to the ash problem.

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 1:00 pm
by Jules
Thanks, mendosa! Nice new screenshots. :)

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 11:49 am
by Tawmis
WTF are they saying? wrote: Seit wenigen Tagen ist die brandneue Website für unser kommendes Adventure Gray Matter online. Erste Details zur Story und den beiden Hauptfiguren Sam und Dr. Styles erfährst Du in der Rubrik „Characters“.

Samantha „Sam“ Everett, die attraktive Studentin und Straßenkünstlerin, und Dr. David Styles treffen in Gray Matter aufeinander, während sich in bester Jane Jensen-Manier schauerliche Vorkommnisse und übernatürlich Ereignisse zu einer mitreißenden Story vermischen.

Neben dem Trailer und zahlreichen Artworks wartet dort außerdem das fast finale Cover auf Adventure-Fans.
Gray Matter, dessen Story aus der Feder der renommierten Game-Autorin Jane Jensen stammt, erscheint noch in diesem Jahr weltweit – nicht nur für den PC, sondern auch für die Xbox 360®, im vierten Quartal dieses Jahres.

Adventure-Fans können sich schon jetzt auf eine ausgeklügelte mitreißende Story, faszinierende Charaktere und übernatürliche Vorkommnisse freuen, die dem einen oder anderen einen eiskalten Schauer über den Rücken laufen lassen werden.

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 1:26 pm
by BBP
Since a few days, the brand new website for our upcoming adventure Gray Matter is online. The first details on the story and both main characters Sam and Sr Styles can be found in the tab "Characters".

Samantha "Sam" Everett, the attractive student and street artist, and Dr David Styles meet in Gray Matter, while in the best Jane Jensen-style blood-curling events and supernatural events mix in a captivating story.

Beside the trailer and much artwork, the near last cover awaits adventure-fans.
Gray Matter, its story from the pen from the renowned game-writer Jane Jensen, will be published worldwide this year - not just for the PC, but also for the X-box 360, in the fourth quarter of this year.

Adventure-fans can already look forward to a refined, captivating story, fascinating characters and supernatural events, that will run ice-cold shivers down your spine.

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 6:34 pm
by Tawmis
Thanks BBP! You rock!

Is there a release date specified for Grey Matter, yet?

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 11:09 pm
by Jules
September 24th, I think.

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:39 am
by Simo Sakari Aaltonen
Jules and Tawmis, they moved the release date again a while ago. If you click on the boxes on the official site, you will be taken to the publisher's shop, where the PC version currently lists October 29th and the Xbox 360, ah, actually just noticed that one now says December 15th. (Both this year, I hasten to add!)

Re: GREY MATTER update! (Sort of relates to Gabriel Knight too).

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:29 am
by Jules
Dang. I was putting money on the Sept release date. Interesting...