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Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:22 pm
by the_doctor
DeadPoolX wrote:I'd include any game that forces the player to restart because they missed one little item. That's just poor game design.
like that dang airsick bag in LSL2 ... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, i dont know how many times i fell for that and find myself on the volcano before I noticed it. how hard would it have been to have the flight last forever until you get all the items on board?!?!?!?

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:27 pm
by Taryn
KQ5 had something like that, too. You could lose to the yeti because you didn't pick up some shoe in the desert and throw it at a cat. Poor little kitty...

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:17 pm
by Maiandra
I've had so many frustrating game moments I can't narrow it down to just one. I will definitely chime in with those who complained about the spiral staircase in KQ4. I think I had to do a super fast combo of two different directional keys to get up those stairs. I was likewise frustrated with any edge you could accidentally walk off.

I don't recall having any motion sickness issues with GK3, but I have in other 3D first-person perspective games. That is definitely frustrating. It helps that in most games like that I've learned to play in a more cautious, stealthy way, so my reduced speed pretty much negates any motion sickness. I find it's mostly the combination of speed and lots of camera turning that does me in. The only game I've sometimes suffered in recently has been F.E.A.R. combat, which I've played with DPX online. Thankfully, he is sympathetic to my motion sickness and tries to find maps that don't have a lot of twisty passages.

Other most frustrating game moments involve my failed attempt to play Indigo Prophecy. What is WITH that incredibly non-engaging "Simon Says" action interface? That negates any possibility of game immersion. Normally, I'm not very picky when it comes to game interfaces, if the game has a good story, but that was just too pointlessly annoying.

Oh yes, an old complaint: having the battery in my brass lantern run out in Zork 1. Sure, I could use the torch as a light source instead, but sometimes the thief wandered through the room, picked my pocket (inventory), and "left me in the dark". Needless to say the lurking grues made short work of me. GAH.

I have to say, though, that thief had class. So smooth and deft, you didn't even know he had taken something until he was long gone. That was where it all started... From then on, it was going to be ME doing the pickpocketing and I was going to do it with style! :D ;)

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:19 am
by Collector
Maiandra wrote:I don't recall having any motion sickness issues with GK3, but I have in other 3D first-person perspective games. That is definitely frustrating. It helps that in most games like that I've learned to play in a more cautious, stealthy way, so my reduced speed pretty much negates any motion sickness. I find it's mostly the combination of speed and lots of camera turning that does me in. The only game I've sometimes suffered in recently has been F.E.A.R. combat, which I've played with DPX online. Thankfully, he is sympathetic to my motion sickness and tries to find maps that don't have a lot of twisty passages.
It's the Half Life engine does it to me.

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:57 am
by DeadPoolX
Collector wrote:
Maiandra wrote:I don't recall having any motion sickness issues with GK3, but I have in other 3D first-person perspective games. That is definitely frustrating. It helps that in most games like that I've learned to play in a more cautious, stealthy way, so my reduced speed pretty much negates any motion sickness. I find it's mostly the combination of speed and lots of camera turning that does me in. The only game I've sometimes suffered in recently has been F.E.A.R. combat, which I've played with DPX online. Thankfully, he is sympathetic to my motion sickness and tries to find maps that don't have a lot of twisty passages.
It's the Half Life engine does it to me.
The original Half-Life or Half-Life 2? HL2 uses the Source Engine and a lot of FPS games have used it ever since.

One such game is called Portal and although it's played from a first-person perspective and handles a lot like an FPS, the game itself is very different. Instead of relying on speed and combat ability, the game primarily has you solving puzzles and tackling a small mystery. The funny part about all of this is that Portal was intended to be an "extra" for Half-Life 2 and Team Fortress 2. Valve never expected it would be so popular, which really does say something about the gaming public.

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:57 am
by Rath Darkblade
DeadPoolX wrote:
Collector wrote:
Maiandra wrote:I don't recall having any motion sickness issues with GK3, but I have in other 3D first-person perspective games. That is definitely frustrating. It helps that in most games like that I've learned to play in a more cautious, stealthy way, so my reduced speed pretty much negates any motion sickness. I find it's mostly the combination of speed and lots of camera turning that does me in. The only game I've sometimes suffered in recently has been F.E.A.R. combat, which I've played with DPX online. Thankfully, he is sympathetic to my motion sickness and tries to find maps that don't have a lot of twisty passages.
It's the Half Life engine does it to me.
Hmm... that's funny. Any FPS game (Doom (of any variety), Wolfenstein (ditto), etc. as well as Might and Magic) activated my motion sickness. But when I started playing The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, I didn't have any problems. *shrug* Maybe it's because I could switch between first- and third-person views that helped me overcome that. I still get motion sickness if I try to play Doom or anything like that, though. Weird.

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:46 am
by Tawmis
Could also be that the FPS characters (Doom, Halo, etc) move very quickly. The character in Oblivion moves slowly unless you have him run?

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:53 am
by DeadPoolX
What seems to help Maia is...
  • Moving slowly and cautiously when you can.
  • Turning off the "gun bobbing" motion.
  • sticking to more "open" and outdoors environments, rather than smaller, inclosed spaces.
Although that usually works for Maia, there's no guarantee it'd work for you. However, Oblivion isn't as fast-paced as most FPS games, so perhaps some of the above may help.

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:40 pm
by Collector
DeadPoolX wrote:The original Half-Life or Half-Life 2? HL2 uses the Source Engine and a lot of FPS games have used it ever since.
The original. After that I had no interest in Half-Life 2.

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:55 am
by Rath Darkblade
Tawmis wrote:Could also be that the FPS characters (Doom, Halo, etc) move very quickly. The character in Oblivion moves slowly unless you have him run?
Hey, that's exactly it! :) You've put your finger right on it, Tawmis. In normal FPSs (Doom, Halo etc.) the characters move so quickly, it's like they're some kind of fluid. But the character in Oblivion moves slowly and deliberately, giving me time to follow without having motion sickness. Nice one! ;)

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:07 am
by Tawmis
Rath Darkblade wrote:
Tawmis wrote:Could also be that the FPS characters (Doom, Halo, etc) move very quickly. The character in Oblivion moves slowly unless you have him run?
Hey, that's exactly it! :) You've put your finger right on it, Tawmis. In normal FPSs (Doom, Halo etc.) the characters move so quickly, it's like they're some kind of fluid. But the character in Oblivion moves slowly and deliberately, giving me time to follow without having motion sickness. Nice one! ;)
Probably only know this because I am replaying Oblivion now. :)

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:07 am
by AndreaDraco
Good for you :twisted:

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:21 pm
by Tawmis
AndreaDraco wrote:Good for you :twisted:
Yeah, yeah! I went with Knight this time instead of Archer. To hell with that bow crap.

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:17 am
by Rath Darkblade
Bow crap? :p I'm playing it as a custom class, i.e. assassin with a dash of thief and wizard. Mwa ha ha. *evil*

Re: Most frustrating Game Moment.

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:26 am
by Fender_178
What no mention of escaping the Sequel police and the Skate O rama in Sq4 & no mention of The troll cave in Kq4?
I totally agree about Gk2 with Grace doing all that Museum stuff that was a pain even with a walkthrough.
Well my most frustrating game moment was the following

Kq3: The wizard and doing the spells

Sq4: The skate O rama (even on my old 486 dx120 that was long gone it was doable but it still was hard and I died alot of times) & escaping the sequel police at the beginning.

Sq3 probably the rockem sockem robots because it took a few tries to complete it.

KQ4 probably the Troll cave because it was hard at the beginning to figure out where exactly to put the board over the Chasm and that stupid troll. & the whale part like Collector said.