1. Cedric the Owl (6) + 1 Coin Toss vs. Crow (6)
Cedric goes through!
2. Lockjaw (4) vs. Delphineus (5)
Sorry, Lockjaw fans. I don't know how this happened.
3. Boogle (9) vs. Flux Wildly (0)
Poor Flux. He never stood a chance.
4. Horny the Frog (6) + 1 Coin Toss vs. Glottis (6)
You know it's a Sierra forum when the great Glottis loses to a frog named Horny.

5. Hoagie (3) vs. Laverne (5)
Yay! Laverne!
6. Cliffy (4) vs. Droole (5)
Droole wins!
7. Srini Lalkaka Bagdnish (5) vs. Passionate Patti (7)
Patti beats Srini!
8. Grace Nakimura (12) vs. Nicole Collard (1)
Anyone else surprised?
9. Joey the Robot (5) vs. Oscar (4)
Joey wins - but Oscar put up a pretty good fight.
Next round up shortly.