Beat Hazard

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Beat Hazard

Post by MusicallyInspired »

I found Beat Hazard in Wal Mart for $8.00 so I snagged it. Come to find out, it wasn't Steamworks activated but rather standalone and you couldn't add the new DLC to it. So I bought it on Steam as well.

REALLY enjoying it! The new DLC version definitely adds so much more to it. I'd love to hit somebody up with some co-op sometime. Can you play with more than just 2 people at a time?
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Re: Beat Hazard

Post by DeadPoolX »

I've had Beat Hazard for a long time now (on Steam), but I haven't bought the DLC yet. I don't play Beat Hazard as often as I do Audiosurf, so I'll probably wait until the holidays to buy it, when Steam puts everything on sale.

BTW, just so you know, in order to play online co-op, you both need the same song on your machine. That's not a huge issue, but it might be limiting for some people.
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Re: Beat Hazard

Post by Tawmis »

What kind of game is it?
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Re: Beat Hazard

Post by MusicallyInspired »

It's like AudioSurf where its gameplay is designed and formatted based on your music which is analyzed by frequenct, intensity, and with various types of triggers short-term, medium-term, and long-term that all affect the gameplay in different ways (weapon strength, enemy numbers, boss/enemy wave events), but instead of racing it's a space shooter similar to Asteroids except there's far more than asteroids. There's all kinds of enemies, various kinds of bosses (a lot more in the Ultra DLC version) and tons of powerups like bombs, ultra beams, auto-home missiles, and reflective shields. It might sound pretty straight-forward but it's actually quite difficult and at times maddeningly intense when there are enemies all over the screen and they're all shooting at you. It's terribly fun. It's a stick shooter similar to "I MAED A GAME WITH ZOMBIES IN IT!"

Ultra DLC Gameplay:
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Re: Beat Hazard

Post by DeadPoolX »

It's a lot of fun, but don't play if you're prone to epileptic seizures or you currently have a headache. If you've watched those two YouTube videos, you'll see what I mean. ;)

There's a demo of Beat Hazard (and Audiosurf, if you're interested) on Steam.
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Re: Beat Hazard

Post by aliciahill »

Beat Hazard is one of my favorite game that let you play according to your very own tunes and there are also similar games like beat hazard which are more interesting you can check them here:
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