Colonel's Bequest easter egg

Feeling like this game could be murder... literally? Well, come on in here for some extra detective work (and clues/hints/etc!) for the Laura Bow games (The Colonel's Bequest and The Dagger of Amon Ra).
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Colonel's Bequest easter egg

Post by bobdole1979 »

Ok I remember way way back when reading a video game magazine and they said there was an easter egg for CB that featured leisure suit larry. If memory serves me right you had to type something in before going to take a shower. If you did then when the guy came in to kill you the curtain would be pulled back and it would be Larry.

Can anyone confirm this? Or was it just a prank by the video game magazine.
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Re: Colonel's Bequest easter egg

Post by Tawmis »

Hrm, that's one I never heard. I only know the Psycho shower scene.
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Re: Colonel's Bequest easter egg

Post by DeadPoolX »

I can't say I've ever heard of this, but then again, I only played CB once. I know Maia's played it more than that and I think a few other people here have as well.
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Re: Colonel's Bequest easter egg

Post by Akril »

I've never heard of a CB Easter Egg featuring Leisure Suit Larry, though I know of one that only mentions LSL that happens if you try using the toilet in the bathroom.
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Re: Colonel's Bequest easter egg

Post by DeadPoolX »

I know for a fact that Larry appears in PQ2. He's at the airport, sitting outside the security area where you need to get on the plane.

What's funny about PQ2 is since it was made in the late 1980s, none of the modern security paranoia exists. Sonny still needs his badge to get on the plane a firearm and if you withdraw your gun, the security officer shoots you, but overall, it's nothing like post-9/11.
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