DeadPoolX wrote:
Well, people will complain about anything.
All too true. (In a way I am complaining about how much people complain!)
DeadPoolX wrote:
The one thing that really ticked off me on the BioWare boards was how the complainers felt they were in the majority. Now I don't doubt a lot of people disliked (or even hated!) the ending, but a majority? Probably not.
Yes. I am with you there. I used to be VERY active on the Bioware boards, before they got Dragon Age and Mass Effect released. Well, even initially I was still pretty heavy into the Bioware boards. Then the day they changed it to the Social Board thing - something happened. I am not kidding. Like the entire community that used to frequent the Bioware forums... changed. They went from these people who engaged in intelligent conversation to "You mother #&@(ing nerfed this spell/weapon/armor!11!!" And crying about everything. Granted, this isn't everyone. But this seemed to be the majority of posts I ended up seeing - to the point it drove me away from the forums.
DeadPoolX wrote:
The sad fact is that when people like something or at least are content with it, they rarely feel the need to make their opinion known. Most of the reviews and comments about games, movies, TV shows, products and whatever else are negative. They're all about someone complaining about this or that.
I work in desktop support call center. You sir, are preaching to the choir!
DeadPoolX wrote:
As for the endings themselves, I really feel a lot of fans wanted to see Shepard "ride off into the sunset" with his or her partner. While that would've certainly been a happier ending, it doesn't fit storyline.
I would have loved for Shepard to walk away hand in hand with Ashley (my woman of choice) - but had they done that, I would have been upset. This was the end. The epic moment to it all.
The story had to end with Shepard's sacrifice, for me.
Datadog wrote:I didn't quite expect a "ride off into the sunset" ending myself (although the thought of riding off with Tali certainly kept me going.) I pretty much expected an ending where Shepard sacrifices himself to save humanity, but I didn't expect his choice to kill more humanity than it saved (or at least it did until Bioware spoke up and told everyone "it's okay! Blowing up the mass relays doesn't hurt anyone anymore!") You have to admit, it was a very awkwardly handled ending. Make a choice, Reapers do something, Mass Relays explode, Normandy crashes, credits, Buzz Aldrin, DLC. For a game so heavy in dialogue and exposition, it's a surprise to see it go all "2001" in the last few minutes.
Wait. I didn't get the impression that people would die when the Mass Relays exploded. The impression I got from the dialogue was that it would destroy all technology. This included (and showed) the destruction of the Mass Relays. It said that they would be destroyed (along with all Synthetics life) - sure, people working on the Mass Relays may have died (like that joke about all the innocent employees working on the Deathstar, like Janitorial staff, when the Rebels blew it up! ). But I definitely did not get the impression that the destruction of the Mass Relay points would like explode and wipe out planets within the area of the Relays. (And since I don't go to the Bioware forums, I didn't need/see Bioware saying, "Oh no one else was hurt!"). I just got the impression that Geth, Mass Relays, and machines would cease functioning and/or explode. After all, even though the Norminday gets caught in the blast of the thing that disables all machines - it didn't explode. Joker managed to land it on a planet. So why would anyone get the impression that the Mass Relays would explode and wipe out more humanity - other than employees working on the Mass Relays at the time?