Who wants a script?

Feeling like this game could be murder... literally? Well, come on in here for some extra detective work (and clues/hints/etc!) for the Laura Bow games (The Colonel's Bequest and The Dagger of Amon Ra).
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Who wants a script?

Post by BBP »

Would anybody out here be interested in Laura Bow-scripts, like the ones I made for the Gabriel Knight series?
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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by Collector »

Jules would be the first person that comes to mind.
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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by BBP »

There seems to be a lot in the script of which I'm not sure you could encounter it: from the interrogation files I can tell you could give any character pretty much anything. Like, giving Carrington's pocketwatch to Carrington/Watley. Could you hypothetically get that item before he dies at 12:04?
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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by Jules »

Hmm.. what would I do with them? They're a way to manipulate the brains of the game?
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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by BBP »

I started looking into Colonel's Bequest files since the typing really shot up my nerves: talking about every character with the ctrl-A shortcut was manageable, but if you start combining them, it takes forever; not to mention my issues with word finding, the parser isn't very forgiving. So I used the SCI-viewer to determine what to ask, and what I was missing.

In LB2 I quit after I got stuck, looked up a walkthrough and found out I'd missed so much I'd have to start again and the prospect of act V scared me, but I did look up some Youtube walkthroughs.
I've only done a couple of interrogations so far and I don't know the game very well, but it seems like there is a number of topics that got removed: the topics "Pippin Carter's murder", "Ziggy's murder" and all the other ones depending on which character you talk to. Not to mention it's hard to find people to interrogate after the party's ended. And you can show people items which I thought you could only get over their dead body. And the rooms that you can only get into during Act V get rather colourful descriptions.

Here's an appetite whetter:
(Carrington's death)
YD Doctor Carrington was ze strange one. Only recently did he invite me into hees office for a long...talk.
LB About what?
YD Well, it was ze long...discussion. At first, we talked about ze museum...and my goal to be ze President instead of heem. He laughed until he was realizing zat I was serious, no? Then we spent ze night in hees office...getting to know each other.
LB All night? He must have been very dedicated to his employees, spending that much time with you.
YD Ah, he was magnifique! He acted like ze much younger man, staying up all ze night like zat! And he came to see my point of view...so I thought I had advanced my career.
LB You THOUGHT you had?
YD Well, ze next day, Archie pretended as if he was not knowing me. He didn't keep his promises!
LB Why do you think he did that?
YD He was ze MAN, no? You cannot trust zem.
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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by Jules »

Ahh I see. Sure, I'm interested in the scripts! That would be helpful and fun.
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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by BBP »

I'm done for LB2!

Number of pages: 179 with 12pt size. For the next two weeks they can be downloaded from:
http://www.adrive.com/public/9sKFtp/laurabow2.odt (ODT)
http://www.adrive.com/public/Ury4uD/laurabow2.pdf (PDF)
(Rightclick and save target as)
I'm still looking into hosting on my site, so I can edit my scripts easily if needed, and so people can see the file within their browser and link easily to the desired sections.

-There don't seem to be any unusual objects that aren't in the game
-The grapes seemed like an afterthought to me, but there's still plenty reference to them. Since you won't be able to show everybody the grapes, you'd miss most of them.
-The hair-splitting Ripperologist in me shouts "What the..." upon hearing that Jack the Ripper would've left grapes by the side of his victims.
-You could ask O'Riley about Yvette's death, and then you'd ask him "how did she get plastered so quickly?"
LB Have you had a chance to examine Miss Delacroix's body?
RR Yes.
LB Any idea who killed her?
RR We've got a museum FULL of suspects, lass. EVERYONE seems to have enjoyed her company, if you know what I mean. And I do mean EVERYONE!
LB Well, if everybody LOVED her, so to speak, why would someone want to kill her?
RR If there's one thing I've learned, there are as many motives for murder as there are words in the dictionary.
LB What I'd like to know is how the killer managed to plaster her so fast.
RR Well, I'm starting to think there are two murderers at work here. They could have used fast-drying plaster, but doing all that work and moving her body would have been easier with two people.
LB Any clues as to who those killers might be?
RR Can you keep a secret, lass?
LB Sure!
RR Maybe I shouldn't be saying this, but I'm getting a wee bit suspicious about Olympia and that Heimlich fellow. They're both a bit on the strange side, if you ask me. She's a bit too fond of dead things, and he's got more books on torture than the public liberry.
LB You really think they could have done it?
RR I've been a cop for a long time, lass. Investigating a homicide successfully uses as much of a cop's intuition as it does physical evidence. And I've got a strong feeling about those two.
LB You don't suspect anyone else?
RR I suspect everyone. Even YOU. Maybe you're trying to make a name for yourself as a reporter by killing people and writing about it.
LB That's ridiculous!
RR I'm trying to make a point, lass. EVERYONE has a motive, if you learn enough about them....
-It doesn't answer why Pippin got moved into an armor.
-Interestingly, Steve shows quite the eye for detail when you show him some of your evidence.
SD Yve---Miss Delacroix lost her shoe?
LB You're sure it belongs to Yvette Delacroix?
SD Um...well...I think so. It's pretty small. Could be yours, I suppose, but I don't think it would fit Dr. Myklos or the Countess.
LB I didn't realize you were an authority on women's shoes....
SD Well...I'm not. But I notice things.
LB Like women's feet, for example.
SD Um...sometimes, yeah. I guess so.
LB You have any idea how she might have lost a shoe?
SD Er...maybe she took it off?
LB Or maybe someone took it off FOR her....
SD Or maybe it fell off?
LB Or maybe she got excited and KICKED it off....
SD Um...I wouldn't know about that.
LB Hmm. Of course not....
I wonder if in a possible Laura Bow 3, Steve's eye for detail would've been used.
-The mummy room gets very colourful descriptions. So do the other rooms behind the Employees Only door, but the mummies stand out.
It is the mummy case of Amenophis III, who ruled in the Eighteenth Dynasty. Amenophis was known as the Shy One, since he had a terrible fear of crowds and rarely appeared in public. He finally created a wooden replica of himself to hold court in his place. He earned the reputation of being a very severe judge, since his advisors frequently interpreted his silences to mean, "Death by Crocodile."
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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by Jules »

Thanks a lot, BBP!!!!!!!
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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by BBP »

I just finished work on the Colonel's Bequest script. For the next two weeks it can be downloaded from:

There still needs work to be done on this: unlike the later SCI games (like Laura Bow 2 and the first two GKs) this one doesn't list who says what or who says what when. In some cases I couldn't easily figure it out myself, so I'd better play it a bit more a couple of times.

On one topic here I noticed some people were wondering if Gertie's late husband was in fact called Jacques. It's Celie who tells you this in a later chapter; then again, it could be possible that she's not accessible at the time when it's supposed to happen.

I found this video by someone who went through the trouble of extracting all the O'Riley soundbites about the murder investigations. The user in question has some more cut clips on his channel too!
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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by JDHJANUS »

BBP - These are AMAZING!!!!! Did you search the game's files and literally pull the entire script file, or is this something you composed on your own?

Thank you so much for sharing!!!!

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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by BBP »

I made these using the SCI viewer to extract the .msg files to NotePad, then copied them and placed them in order. On Colonel's Bequest that wasn't as easily said as done, since that game doesn't include the speaker in the message, so you have to work from memory or guess from the dialogue who says what. I also made scripts of the Gabriel Knight games.
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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by JDHJANUS »

Well, I think they're awesome! I had contemplated writing a Laura Bow walkthough in the nature of the King's Quest Companion (so that it told a story), and if I did so, this would be a fantastic tool to assist!

Totally cool! Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by Akril »

BBP wrote:On one topic here I noticed some people were wondering if Gertie's late husband was in fact called Jacques. It's Celie who tells you this in a later chapter; then again, it could be possible that she's not accessible at the time when it's supposed to happen.
Looks like that mystery's finally solved. Great work, BBP!
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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by BBP »

I'd never played The Colonel's Bequest in full, and unfortunately, since the script doesn't directly tell you what to say in order to get a certain line, I never fully got to play the ol' game of "is it in".
I've since read through the game's manual and now I finally understand you can ask for multiple characters and character pairings, and tell stuff about characters. What still puzzles me is you can only read a notebook at the end.

So I'm well underway making a better version of my Colonel's Bequest script - one that actually stipulates what info you can get when and where.

I'm playing TCB - and being a scaredy cat in a room full of cucumbers. I can barely start Act 2! :D
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Re: Who wants a script?

Post by Tawmis »

I've uploaded your other ones on the LSL site I run - so let me know when you have new ones - I'll put them on the site.

http://larrylaffer.net/non-lsl-games/si ... me-scripts
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