A treat for Coktel Vision fans. The release of ScummVM version 0.10 (the version that supports all the Sierra AGI games) currently gives us the ability to play all three Gobliiins games, Ween and Bargon Attack. The latest Subversion (development) build of the interpretor now loads to more Coktel Vision games, Lost in Time and my favorite, Woodruff. Both seem playable, but might not be completable, yet.

So break out your copies and head over to scummvm.org to download the latest Subversion Build. ScummVM has become an indispensable tool for reviving many of the classic games from the Sierra family. For those that are unfamiliar with the project, you might also like to know that the download page also offers free legal downloads of the full versions of some adventure titles that ScummVM supports, like the talkie versions of Flight of the Amazon Queen and Beneath a Steel Sky by consent of the copyright holders.