My claim to fame.

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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by Tawmis »

Rudy wrote:Awesome :) !

Sierra/Dynamix News Magazine, volume 4, number 2, page 59 ;)
Wow! You went through and found the page and everything? :)

I keep waiting for those people doing the Sierra/InterAction Resurrection (or whatever) to get the issues online. I heard eons ago that a group of them were converting them all to PDF to make them available. And I'd love a PDF copy of this magazine. Mine has long, long, long since gotten severel beaten and torn and messed up.
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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by Collector »

What year?
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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by Rudy »

Tawmis: You obviously did not check the publications on the Sierra Chest website yet ;). Don't get too excited yet though, lol. So far only 7 catalogues have been inserted. The magazines will follow. Tell you what, i'll insert the one with your picture first ;).

Collector: 1991
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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by Collector »

The project is on Ken Williams' site, but they only have the fall issue for 1991.
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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by Tawmis »

Rudy wrote:Tawmis: You obviously did not check the publications on the Sierra Chest website yet ;). Don't get too excited yet though, lol. So far only 7 catalogues have been inserted. The magazines will follow. Tell you what, i'll insert the one with your picture first ;).

Collector: 1991
That would rock. :) Mine is way too mangled to ever make a good PDF out of it.

I can't remember - but some of my "user cartoons" may have made it into some of the magazines... I used to be in constant contact with Bridget McKenna (I can't believe I still remember her name)...
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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by Qbix »

awesome picture of you!

That picture matches my imagination of how Larry looked in the first part.
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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by Tawmis »

Qbix wrote:awesome picture of you!

That picture matches my imagination of how Larry looked in the first part.
Well if anyone ever wants to do a FMV LSL game, contact me. :lol:

I can never tell if it's a good thing that I looked like how Larry probably looked in LSL1... granted there was some effort there (I'd never wear a white t-shirt, black tie, and white pants, for the first thing) - and that was an overly exaggerated smile, and the hair was a heavy comb to the side... :D

But still... :lol:
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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by Andy Roark »

All the issues of InterAction:

The specific issue in question: ... r_1991.pdf

This is beyond cool. Way to own up to it.
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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by DeadPoolX »

I don't know if anyone has caught this yet, but in the Winter 1988 issue (volume 1, number 4) of the Sierra Newsletter, there's a humorous mistake on page 2 when introducing Gold Rush! Look at the third paragraph down and read the first sentence, which starts off with "Players take on the role..."

You'll see what I mean. ;)
"Er, Tawni, not Tawmni, unless you are doing drag."
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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by Datadog »

Holy cow! Good eye there!
Players take on the role of an east coast gentlemen in the early 1950's, a time when the west was wild and life was tough on the new frontier.
The 50's were hard on everybody. You can blame it all on "rock and roll."
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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by AndreaDraco »


Good eye indeed, DPX!
Talk to coffee? Even Gabriel isn't that addicted!
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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by Maiandra »

Tawmis wrote:
Jules wrote:/totally did a double take!! :shock:
At first I thought, "Who's THAT nerd dressing up like Larry? Matthew Broderick??"
LOL Tawm, you made a very cute Larry Laffer!
I can't tell if I am insulted or flattered... there's a conflict of NERD and then Matthew Broderick (who I actually loved in the movie LADYHAWKE... he played such a great character)...
I laughed when I read Jules comment. :mrgreen: Then I agreed with your comment about Matthew Broderick in Ladyhawke. :D I love his character in that movie! Phillippe the mouse is so cunningly humorous.

Tawmis, I can't believe how different you look without a beard. That's pretty neat that they were inspired by the photo to have a contest.
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Re: My claim to fame.

Post by Tawmis »

Andy Roark wrote:All the issues of InterAction:
The specific issue in question: ... r_1991.pdf
This is beyond cool. Way to own up to it.
You sir, Rock my Rolls! And roll my Rocks!
Maiandra wrote:
Tawmis wrote:
Jules wrote:/totally did a double take!! :shock:
At first I thought, "Who's THAT nerd dressing up like Larry? Matthew Broderick??"
LOL Tawm, you made a very cute Larry Laffer!
I can't tell if I am insulted or flattered... there's a conflict of NERD and then Matthew Broderick (who I actually loved in the movie LADYHAWKE... he played such a great character)...
I laughed when I read Jules comment. :mrgreen: Then I agreed with your comment about Matthew Broderick in Ladyhawke. :D I love his character in that movie! Phillippe the mouse is so cunningly humorous.
Tawmis, I can't believe how different you look without a beard. That's pretty neat that they were inspired by the photo to have a contest.
Ha! Yeah! I usually have the beard for most of the year; and definitely around Halloween time, grown out all scruffy for the pirate get up! Clean cut pirates? Unheard of, I say! But like right now, the beard is gone again (replaced by the Insta-5 O'Clock Shadow 2000 (TM)...) :lol:

Yeah, I thought it was cool that my silly picture inspired it. I used to be in constant contact with Bridget McKenna (can't believe I still remember her name) back then - nicest woman ever. Always took the time to write me back when I submitted those little cartoons - I think one or two may have been used, that I can't remember for certain. I am sure she had a heavy hand in the whole LSL contest...

If you look, you can see where they even did some minor edits (where my eyes are looking, my arm's lifted a little to be on the bar, obviously the "wine" in the glass) when you look at the two (on the first page). I am just glad I still had a copy of the original photo, considering it was pretty long ago (before the era of digital cameras, obviously!) I have been scanning all my regular photos to digital format (did the same thing with all the VHS home video stuff).
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