What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

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What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by Rath Darkblade »

So I finally thought I'd bite the bullet and try out LSL1:R. From what I could see in reviews and such, the game wasn't completely terrible. The voices were fine, a new "babe" was added, the music was good. It should be a step above LSL1 VGA.

So... I paid, downloaded the thing, and settled down for a little time in my leisure suit. ;)

But... I pressed play... the screen faded to black...

...and nothing happened. As in nothing. Nada. Zilch. Duck's egg. Big zero. :(

I had to restart my machine to do anything.

Is this a known bug? What is going on with this game, that it won't even start? :( I tried googling "LSL1 Reloaded doesn't start", and all I got were some results about how to solve the questions at the start of the game. Bah. :( Any ideas?

Thanks! :)
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Re: What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by adeyke »

I wish I could help, but I didn't encounter such a problem.
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Re: What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by Tawmis »

Maybe uninstall and reinstall? And reinstall into it's own folder (for example: C\LSL1R or something). Just to ensure it's a clean install?
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Re: What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by Tawmis »

Dug around on Steam - is this being played on a laptop by chance? And is it from Steam that you got it?

I found this where someone had the issue (though no answers)...
http://steamcommunity.com/app/231910/di ... 698175728/
Darkfalz [has Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards: Reloaded] Dec 21, 2013 @ 7:59pm
Full screen, black screen
When I go full screen the screen is black. Music plays in background. Windowed mode is fine.
This works fine in fullscreen on my other two PCs, but the laptop I actually want to play it on has this problem. Any suggestions? Running latest drivers.
http://steamcommunity.com/app/231910/di ... 802979689/
Same issue; answer if you're running Linux. LOL

And if it is Steam, there's something about verifying the game cache (person had the same issue with black screen)...
http://steamcommunity.com/app/231910/di ... 226849607/
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Re: What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Sigh. I verified the game cache, and it told me that one file was faulty and had to be reacquired; I then re-verified, and everything was (apparently) fine. But when I tried running the game, the same thing happened. :roll:

I'm running it via Steam, using my desktop tower.

Too bad I don't run Linux, or the link to the Linux solution would've given me the solution! ;)

Tawm, the links mention that some of these people get a setup screen of some kind, or hear music. I get neither - I just get a black screen, and that's it! :(

I also found this (another steam link), but the link to report the issue has been removed. How... helpful. :roll:

So far, I'm not impressed. I forked over $20 for this game, and now I'm stuck with nothing. :?

Does Al know anything about this, perchance?
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Re: What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by adeyke »

Steam has a refund policy. As long as you've owned the game for less than 14 days and have played it for less than 2 hours, you can get your money back. That still gives you a bit of time to look for solutions first.
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Re: What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by el_pombo »

Maybe a graphical issue? Are your graphics drivers up to date?
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Re: What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by notbobsmith »

Have you tried changing the settings to run as administrator? (Note: don't actually have the game. Just throwing this out there.)

Does your video card have DSR enabled? If so, try disabling that?
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Re: What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by Rath Darkblade »

el_pombo, My graphics card is definitely up to date. In fact, it can run just about anything I throw at it. It runs GK1, MI1, MI2, Civ 5, Skyrim etc. with no problems. (Actually, my card - an nVidia GeForce GTX 960 - is only 6 months old, and runs Skyrim beautifully; and Skyrim is much more graphics intensive than LSL1 Reloaded).

Bob, I already am running as an administrator... and I'm not sure if my card has enabled or disabled DSR.

Thanks for the link, adeyke. I have gone ahead and asked Valve for a refund.

Sigh... it is too bad. :( I've played Larry since 1991, and I've been with Steam for several years, and I've never had a problem like this (i.e. a game that just wouldn't run). As I said, I'm definitely not impressed with it. :(
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Re: What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by notbobsmith »

You can adjust the DSR setting in the NVIDIA control panel. Normally enabling it is just fine. But I've come across a few examples where having it enabled causes problems. I think by default it is disabled, so I doubt this is it.
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Re: What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Hi bob,

Yes, the DSR is disabled... hmm. Not sure what else it could be! *shrug*
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Re: What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by DeadPoolX »

Weird question, but have you tried windowed mode? I realize full screen would be preferable, but some games just do better in a window.

Also, some games let you expand the window to fill up the entire screen anyway, although I don't know if LSL1:R does or not.
Rath Darkblade wrote:el_pombo, My graphics card is definitely up to date. In fact, it can run just about anything I throw at it ...
That's not what he was asking. He wanted to know if your drivers were up-to-date, not how new your video card is or what it can run well.

Some drivers work better with some cards (newer isn't always better, especially if your video card is on the older side, which yours isn't) and then some games function better with some drivers as well. It's all very hit-or-miss.
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Re: What the hell is going on with LSL1: Reloaded?

Post by notbobsmith »

When I mentioned running as an administrator, I meant that the settings on the game should be run as an administrator, which means hunting down the game executable. So go to C:\{wherever Steam is installed}\Steam\steamapps\common and find the folder with LSL1 and then find the .exe file. Right click, select Properties click the Compatibility tab and there should be a check box for "Run this program as an administrator". I forgot what it was, but I had a game from Steam or GOG that wouldn't run "out of the box" and this ended up working.
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